Types > WorkflowModify
Commerce APITypesWorkflowModify


Topic: Workflows


api_key_id: String

API Key to use for API calls

Example: "ke_EQzGqWoY"

Valid when: api_key_id matches regexp pattern: ^ke_

description: String

Description of the workflow

Valid when: description's length doesn't exceed 4096 characters

enabled: Boolean

Whether this workflow is enabled or not

Example: true

name: String

Name of the workflow

Example: "Tag orders"

Valid when: name is not empty

Valid when: name's length doesn't exceed 200 characters

script: String

A script to execute for the workflow (JavaScript)

Valid when: script's length doesn't exceed 100000 characters

trigger: String

A trigger

Example: "product.created"

Valid when: trigger's length doesn't exceed 200 characters

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