Create an order.
You can clone an existing order by providing "clone_from_id". Customers can only clone their own orders. When this field is provided all other fields are ignored.
While this API follows "multiple objects" convention, operations only on one order are allowed at a time.
Permission bit: "orders.create"
Topic: Orders
data: [OrderCreate!]!
Main argument for mutations.
Unique shop identifier. See also: Unique Identifiers
Example: "sh_EQzGqWoY"
Data Argument Fields
billing_address: AddressCreate
Billing address of an order
billing_address_short_id: String
Billing address of an order (short)
Example: "ar_EQzGqWoY"
Valid when: billing_address_short_id matches regexp pattern: ^ar_
Valid order id to clone from, if used all other parameters are ignored
Example: "or_EQzGqWoY"
Valid when: clone_from_id matches regexp pattern: ^or_
Currency to calculate the order in
Example: "USD"
custom_items: [OrderCustomItemCreate!]
Customer email, used in no auth order flows
Example: "Customer email, used in no auth order flows"
Customer id order belongs to, if customer creates an order this parameter is ignored
Example: "cu_EQzGqWoY"
Valid when: customer_id matches regexp pattern: ^cu_
A discount code that can be entered by a customer on checkout
Example: "AD1241251"
Gateway used
Example: "gw_EQzGqWoY"
Valid when: gateway_id matches regexp pattern: ^gw_
line_items: [OrderLineItemCreate!]
Order line items
The mobile phone number of the customer (used for notifications)
Example: "45634634562"
Whether to notify customer via mobile phone or not
Example: false
Sales channel associated with this order
Example: "sc_EQzGqWoY"
Valid when: sales_channel_id matches regexp pattern: ^sc_
send_fulfillment_notifications: Boolean
Should customer receive fulfillment-related notifications or not
Example: false
send_order_notifications: Boolean
Should customer receive order-related notifications or not
Example: false
shipping_address: AddressCreate
Shipping address of an order
shipping_address_short_id: String
Shipping address of an order (short)
Example: "ar_EQzGqWoY"
Valid when: shipping_address_short_id matches regexp pattern: ^ar_
Subscription associated with this order
Example: "ss_EQzGqWoY"
Valid when: subscription_id matches regexp pattern: ^ss_
Order tags (can be used for organization)
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