Topic: Shipping Providers
auspost_options: AuspostOptions
canadapost_options: CanadapostOptions
The date and time when the shipping provider was created, RFC 3339 format
Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"
Timestamp (RFC 3339)
Currency code
Example: "USD"
delivery_date_guaranteed: Boolean
Whether delivery date is guaranteed or not (fixed providers)
Example: true
Maximum days it would take to deliver a package (fixed providers)
Example: 5
Minimum days it would take to deliver a package (fixed providers)
Example: 2
Description text visible to the customer
Example: "TODO"
fedex_options: FedexOptions
Unique identifier for shipping provider
Example: "sp_EQzGqWoY"
The maximum amount of time the inventory location will take to fulfill the order using this shipping provider
Example: 5
The minimum amount of time the inventory location will take to fulfill the order using this shipping provider
Example: 2
Name of the shipping provider
Example: "Fixed 20$"
Shipping rate for fixed providers
Example: 2000
For non-fixed shipping provider types, fixed amount to add on top of the rate
Example: 500
For non-fixed shipping provider types, percentage to add on top of the rate
Example: 1.0
Whether shipping provider test mode is enabled
Example: false
Is it allowed to use this shipping provider for tracking requests?
Example: true
type: ShippingProviderType!
Type of the shipping provider
Example: "fixed"
The date and time when the shipping provider was last updated, RFC 3339 format
Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"
Timestamp (RFC 3339)
ups_options: UPSOptions
usps_options: USPSOptions
whitelist: [ShippingProviderWhitelist!]
Shipping rate whilelist for non-fixed providers
Used By
shippingProvidersCreate, shippingProvidersModify
Packaging, PromotionCondition, ReturnPolicyCondition, ShippingRate, ShippingRuleLookupProvider
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