Customers > Customers > customersCreate
Commerce APICustomersCustomerscustomersCreate


Create one or multiple customers.

Permission bit: "customers.create"

Topic: Customers


data: [CustomerCreate!]!

Main argument for mutations.

shop_id: String!

Unique shop identifier. See also: Unique Identifiers

Example: "sh_EQzGqWoY"

Data Argument Fields

accepts_marketing: Boolean

Indicates whether the customer has consented to be sent marketing material via email

Example: false

addresses: [AddressCreate!]

customer_group_id: String

Customer group id, can only be set by shop admins

Example: "cg_EQzGqWoY"

Valid when: customer_group_id matches regexp pattern: ^cg_

default_billing_address_id: String

Default billing address identifier

Example: "ad_EQzGqWoY"

default_shipping_address_id: String

Default shipping address identifier

Example: "ad_EQzGqWoY"

display_name: String

The name to display for other customers (under product reviews and such)

Example: "John S."

Valid when: display_name's length doesn't exceed 250 characters

email: String!

The email address of the customer

Example: ""

Valid when: email is not empty

Valid when: email's length doesn't exceed 250 characters

email_confirmed: Boolean

Whether customer's email address was confirmed or not

Example: false

import_id: String

If customer is created as a result of import process, this is import process owner ID

Example: "ta_EQzGqWoY"

import_index: Int

If customer is created as a result of import process, this is import index (e.g. CSV line)

Example: 56

is_disposable_email: Boolean

Whether or not customer's email address looks suspicious (fraud)

Example: false

language: String

Preferred language of the customer

metadata: [KeyValueCreate!]

mobile: String

The mobile phone number of the customer (used for notifications)

Example: "45634634562"

mobile_notifications: Boolean

Whether to notify customer via mobile phone or not

Example: false

name: String

Name of the customer

Example: "John Smith"

Valid when: name's length doesn't exceed 250 characters

password: String

The customer's password

Example: "34hb5kj3h45k3"

Valid when: password is not empty

preferred_currency: String

Currency customer prefers

Example: "USD"

reminder_messages: Boolean

Indicates whether the customer desires to get reminder emails

Example: false

tags: [String!]

Customer tags (can be used for organization)

tax_exempt: Boolean

Marks customer as tax-exempt, customer will not be charged any taxes

Example: false

timezone: String

Name of the time zone the customer is in

Example: "(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time"

Valid when: timezone's length doesn't exceed 50 characters

timezone_hint: String

Timezone hint. When provided it overrides timezone field, but only if it's correct. If it's incorrect, the value is ignored.

Example: "(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time"

Valid when: timezone_hint's length doesn't exceed 50 characters

webauthn_credential: String

JSON-encoded PublicKeyCredential

webauthn_session_id: String

Session ID associated with webauthn login process



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