Create one or multiple packaging.
Permission bit: "packaging.create"
Topic: Packaging
data: [PackagingCreate!]!
Main argument for mutations.
Unique shop identifier. See also: Unique Identifiers
Example: "sh_EQzGqWoY"
Data Argument Fields
Whether this packaging is enabled or not
Example: false
The weight of the empty packaging in grams
Example: 200
Valid when: grams is a non-negative integer
Height of the packaging in millimeters
Example: 200
Valid when: height is a non-negative integer
inventory_location_ids: [String!]
Length of the packaging in millimeters
Example: 200
Valid when: length is a non-negative integer
The maximum weight this packaging can hold (excluding its own weight)
Example: 200
Valid when: max_grams is a non-negative integer
Name of the packaging
Example: "Large Box"
Valid when: name is not empty
Valid when: name's length doesn't exceed 250 characters
shipping_provider_ids: [String!]
Width of the packaging in millimeters
Example: 200
Valid when: width is a non-negative integer
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