Topics: Brands, Categories, Content Blocks, Customer Groups, Customer Inventory, Customers, Inventory Locations, Inventory Rules, Menus, Option Sets, Options, Orders, Packaging, Product Field Sets, Products, Promotions, Purchase Orders, Shipping Rules, Suppliers, Survey Questions, Tax Rules, Transfers
A fields specification to filter out data's unused fields (for the filter script)
Valid when: filter_fields's length doesn't exceed 100000 characters
A script to filter the export items (JavaScript)
Valid when: filter_script's length doesn't exceed 100000 characters
options: ExportOptions
Used By
brandsExport, buyLinksExport, categoriesExport, contentBlocksExport, customerGroupsExport, customerInventoryExport, customersExport, inventoryLocationsExport, inventoryRulesExport, menusExport, optionSetsExport, optionsExport, ordersExport, packagingExport, productFieldSetsExport, productsExport, promotionsExport, purchaseOrdersExport, shippingRulesExport, suppliersExport, surveyQuestionsExport, taxRulesExport, transfersExport
Preview (typescript)
interface GenericExport {columns?: string[]filter_fields?: stringfilter_script?: stringids?: string[]options?: ExportOptions | nullzip?: boolean}