Types > User
Commerce APITypesUser


Topic: Users


bio_raw_content: String!

Raw content with user's bio

Example: "{}"

class: UserClass

Class of the user in context of a given shop

Example: "admin"

created_at: String!

The date and time when the user was created, RFC 3339 format

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

default_shop_id: String

Default shop identifier

Example: "sh_EQzGqWoY"

display_name: String!

Display name of the user (customers will see it)

Example: "Jane S."

email: String!

Email of the user

Example: "no+spam@mail.com"

email_confirmed: Boolean!

Whether email was confirmed or not

Example: false

email_message: Message

Confirmation email for this user


Permission bit: "messages.read"

id: String!

Unique identifier for a user

Example: "us_EQzGqWoY"

inferred_locale: String!

Inferred locale of the user, free-form string in Accept-Language HTTP header format

Example: "fr-CH, fr;q=0.9, en;q=0.8, de;q=0.7, *;q=0.5"

invited: Boolean

Whether user was invited or not (available only after initial POST request)

Example: false

language: InfoLanguage

Preferred language of the user


logged_in_at: String!

The date and time when the user last logged in, RFC 3339 format

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

name: String!

Name of the user

Example: "Jane Smith"

oauth_provider: OAuth2Provider

OAuth2 provider used for registering this account (deprecated, use oauth_providers instead)

Example: "github"

oauth_providers: [OAuth2Provider]!

OAuth2 providers enabled for this account if any

password_defined: Boolean!

Whether user has password defined

Example: true

permissions: [String!]

A set of permission bits in context of a given shop

prefer_twenty_four_hour: AutoBoolean!

Whether to use 24h time format

Example: "auto"

profile_image: ProfileImage!

Which profile image should be used

Example: "auto"

profile_image_color: Int!

Preferred color for auto profile image

Example: 5

roles: [Role]

A set of roles in context of a given shop


Permission bit: "roles.read"

suspended: Boolean

Whether user is suspended in context of a given shop

Example: false

timezone: String!

Name of the time zone the user is in

Example: "(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time"

token: String

Valid auth token (available only after initial POST request)

tos_agreed: String!

The date and time when the user agreed to TOS, RFC 3339 format

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

two_factor_enabled: Boolean!

Whether two factor auth is enabled or not

Example: true

two_factor_phone: Boolean!

Whether phone path is used for 2FA

Example: true

updated_at: String!

The date and time when the user was last updated, RFC 3339 format

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

user_file: UserFile

webauthn_keys: [WebauthnKey!]!

Webauthn keys if any

Used By


usersCreate, usersModify




AuditLog, Note, Order, OrderHistory, ProductQuestionAnswer, ProductReviewAnswer, PurchaseOrderLogItem, ReturnHistory, Shop, Transfer, TransferLogItem, VariantInventoryLog

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