Types > UserModify
Commerce APITypesUserModify


Topic: Users


bio_raw_content: String

Raw content with user's bio

Example: "{}"

Valid when: bio_raw_content's length doesn't exceed 100000 characters

default_shop_id: String

Default shop identifier

Example: "sh_EQzGqWoY"

Valid when: default_shop_id matches regexp pattern: ^sh_

display_name: String

Display name of the user (customers will see it)

Example: "Jane S."

Valid when: display_name's length doesn't exceed 250 characters

language: String

name: String

Name of the user

Example: "Jane Smith"

Valid when: name's length doesn't exceed 250 characters

permissions: [String!]

A set of permission bits in context of a given shop

prefer_twenty_four_hour: AutoBoolean

Whether to use 24h time format

profile_image: ProfileImage

Which profile image should be used

profile_image_color: Int

Preferred color for auto profile image

Example: 5

role_ids: [String!]

A set of roles in context of a given shop

suspended: Boolean

Whether user is suspended for a given shop or not

Example: false

timezone: String

Name of the time zone the user is in

Example: "(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time"

Valid when: timezone's length doesn't exceed 50 characters

tos_agree: Boolean

It has to be set to true and signifies that you agree with updated Lana TOS

Example: true

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