Orders > Orders > ordersModify
Commerce APIOrdersOrdersordersModify


Modify an order.

While this API follows "multiple objects" convention, operations only on one order are allowed at a time.

Permission bit: "orders.modify"

Topic: Orders


data: [OrderModify!]!

Main argument for mutations.

ids: [String!]!

List of order ids. See also: Unique Identifiers

Example: ["or_EQzGqWoY"]

shop_id: String!

Unique shop identifier. See also: Unique Identifiers

Example: "sh_EQzGqWoY"

updated_at: String

uuid: String

Data Argument Fields

billing_address: AddressCreate

Billing address of an order

billing_address_short_id: String

Billing address of an order (short)

Example: "ar_EQzGqWoY"

Valid when: billing_address_short_id matches regexp pattern: ^ar_

currency: String

Currency to calculate the order in

Example: "USD"

custom_items: [OrderCustomItemCreate!]

customer_email: String

Customer email, used in no auth order flows

Example: "Customer email, used in no auth order flows"

customer_id: String

Customer id order belongs to, if customer creates an order this parameter is ignored

Example: "cu_EQzGqWoY"

Valid when: customer_id matches regexp pattern: ^cu_

discount_code: String

A discount code that can be entered by a customer on checkout

Example: "AD1241251"

gateway_id: String

Gateway used

Example: "gw_EQzGqWoY"

Valid when: gateway_id matches regexp pattern: ^gw_

line_items: [OrderLineItemCreate!]

Order line items

mobile: String

The mobile phone number of the customer (used for notifications)

Example: "45634634562"

mobile_notifications: Boolean

Whether to notify customer via mobile phone or not

Example: false

sales_channel_id: String

Sales channel associated with this order

Example: "sc_EQzGqWoY"

Valid when: sales_channel_id matches regexp pattern: ^sc_

send_fulfillment_notifications: Boolean

Should customer receive fulfillment-related notifications or not

Example: false

send_order_notifications: Boolean

Should customer receive order-related notifications or not

Example: false

shipping_address: AddressCreate

Shipping address of an order

shipping_address_short_id: String

Shipping address of an order (short)

Example: "ar_EQzGqWoY"

Valid when: shipping_address_short_id matches regexp pattern: ^ar_

shipping_rate_ids: [String!]

subscription_id: String

Subscription associated with this order

Example: "ss_EQzGqWoY"

Valid when: subscription_id matches regexp pattern: ^ss_

tags: [String!]

Order tags (can be used for organization)



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