Types > InfoCSVColumn
Commerce APITypesInfoCSVColumn



accepts: String!

Human-friendly description of accepted values

api: [String!]!

Associated GraphQL API fields using form: Type.field

array: Int!

Array nesting level

default_value: String!

Default value of this CSV column

description: String!

Description of the column

examples: [String!]!

A set of examples of valid column values

human_name: String!

Human friendly name of the column

is_id: Boolean!

Whether the column is an id column (when present and defined will cause object modification instead of creation)

main: Boolean!

Whether this column is main

mandatory: Boolean!

Is this column mandatory?

name: String!

Name of the column

synonyms: [String!]!

Synonyms of the column, could be used for automatic column mapping

type_name: String!

Type name of the column (implementation-dependent)

used_in_export: Boolean!

Whether the column is used during export

used_in_import: Boolean!

Whether the column is used during import

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