An Asset serves as a fundamental component of a theme. It is uploaded to a Content Delivery Network (CDN), making it accessible to everyone and available for use within templates. Assets typically include files such as images, CSS stylesheets, JavaScript files, or other resources necessary for enhancing the visual and functional aspects of your theme.
A Template serves as a foundational element of a theme. Templates commonly have the .liquid extension and employ the Liquid template language. They define the structure, layout, and dynamic content of specific pages in your theme. Templates enable you to customize the appearance and behavior of your online store, facilitating a seamless and engaging user experience.
Themes are instrumental in rendering a shop's website. They determine the visual design, layout, and overall presentation of the online store. By selecting and customizing a theme, shop owners can establish a unique and engaging digital storefront that reflects their brand identity and provides an optimal user experience for customers. Themes encompass various elements such as templates, styles, assets, and configurations, all working together to deliver a cohesive and visually appealing website for the shop.