Users > Invitations
Commerce APIUsersInvitations

The shop collaboration feature allows you to invite other users to work together on your shop. If a user is already registered in our system, they will be prompted to join your shop. For new users, they will be guided to sign up for a new account. When a new user registers, they will automatically accept any pending invites associated with their email address.

It's important to note that you cannot grant more permissions to users than you currently possess. The level of permissions you have determines what you can assign to other users.

Invitations do not have an expiration date, so it is recommended to delete any invitations that are no longer needed. However, an invitation will be automatically removed if it is accepted by a user.

Invitations can only be accepted by users with the same email address to which the invitation was sent.

For further information, please refer to the Permission Bits documentation.


invitationsGet user invitations
invitationsAcceptAccept user invitations
invitationsCreateCreate user invitations
invitationsDeleteDelete user invitations

