Topic: Subscriptions
billing_address: SubscriptionParam!
Which billing address to use
Custom billing address identifier
The date and time when the subscription was created
Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"
Timestamp (RFC 3339)
custom_billing_address: Address
Custom billing address for subscription
custom_shipping_address: Address
Custom shipping address for subscription
customer: Customer
Customer this subscription belongs to
Permission bit: ""
error: SubscriptionError!
Error state of the subscription
Example: ok
How many errors happened as a result of retry attempts
Example: 3
error_meta: [KeyValue!]!
Additional information about last error in unspecified format
Unique subscription identifier. See also: Unique Identifiers
Example: "ss_EQzGqWoY"
last_order: Order
Last order this subscription created
Permission bit: ""
When this subscription is due to update
Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"
Timestamp (RFC 3339)
Seconds offset from "next_at" to accommodate for the business logic. Negative for pre-paid subscriptions, because scheduled fulfillment is created ahead of time. Positive for subscriptions in error state, this is a retry logic.
Example: 3600
origin_order: Order
Order this subscription originates from
Permission bit: ""
payment_source: SubscriptionParam!
Which payment source to use
Custom shipping address identifier
pending_order: Order
The order awaiting payment confirmation when state is "pending_payment"
Permission bit: ""
The number of items customer subscribed to
Example: 0
shipping_address: SubscriptionParam!
Which shipping address to use
Custom shipping address identifier
state: SubscriptionState!
State of the subscription
subscription_plan: SubscriptionPlan!
A subscription plan customer picked for this subscription
How many successful ticks (billing and fulfillment events) happened for this subscription
Example: 5
variant: ProductVariant
Product variant the customer subscribed to
Permission bit: ""
Used By
subscriptionsCancel, subscriptionsEdit, subscriptionsPause, subscriptionsResume, subscriptionsSkipNext
Order, OrderLineItem, ScheduledFulfillment, SubscriptionExpandableItems, SubscriptionPage, SubscriptionSearchResult, UnifiedSearchResult
Preview (typescript)
interface Subscription {billing_address: SubscriptionParambilling_address_id: stringcreated_at: stringcustom_billing_address?: Address | nullcustom_shipping_address?: Address | nullcustomer?: Customer | nullerror: SubscriptionErrorerror_count: numbererror_meta: KeyValue[]id: stringlast_order?: Order | nullnext_at: stringnext_offset: numberorigin_order?: Order | nullpayment_source: SubscriptionParampayment_source_id: stringpending_order?: Order | nullquantity: numbershipping_address: SubscriptionParamshipping_address_id: stringstate: SubscriptionStatesubscription_plan: SubscriptionPlantick_count: numbervariant?: ProductVariant | null}