Users > Users > usersModify
Commerce APIUsersUsersusersModify


Allows you to modify shop users or yourself. If you omit shop_id argument and provide your own id as the only id for ids argument, you can modify yourself.

When modifying shop users, you can only modify certain things on them, such as suspended flag or permissions. Modifying self on the other hand gives you full access to everything.

Permission bit: "users.modify"

Topic: Users


data: [UserModify!]!

Main argument for mutations.

ids: [String!]!

List of user ids. See also: Unique Identifiers

Example: ["us_EQzGqWoY"]

shop_id: String

Unique shop identifier. See also: Unique Identifiers

Example: "sh_EQzGqWoY"

Data Argument Fields

bio_raw_content: String

Raw content with user's bio

Example: "{}"

Valid when: bio_raw_content's length doesn't exceed 100000 characters

default_shop_id: String

Default shop identifier

Example: "sh_EQzGqWoY"

Valid when: default_shop_id matches regexp pattern: ^sh_

display_name: String

Display name of the user (customers will see it)

Example: "Jane S."

Valid when: display_name's length doesn't exceed 250 characters

language: String

name: String

Name of the user

Example: "Jane Smith"

Valid when: name's length doesn't exceed 250 characters

permissions: [String!]

A set of permission bits in context of a given shop

prefer_twenty_four_hour: AutoBoolean

Whether to use 24h time format

profile_image: ProfileImage

Which profile image should be used

profile_image_color: Int

Preferred color for auto profile image

Example: 5

role_ids: [String!]

A set of roles in context of a given shop

suspended: Boolean

Whether user is suspended for a given shop or not

Example: false

timezone: String

Name of the time zone the user is in

Example: "(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time"

Valid when: timezone's length doesn't exceed 50 characters

tos_agree: Boolean

It has to be set to true and signifies that you agree with updated Lana TOS

Example: true



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