Types > Customer
Commerce APITypesCustomer


Topic: Customers


accepts_marketing: Boolean!

Indicates whether the customer has consented to be sent marketing material via email

Example: false

addresses: [Address!]!

Saved customer addresses for quick form filling

created_at: String!

The date and time when the customer information was created

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

customer_group: CustomerGroup

Customer group customer belongs to


Permission bit: "customer_groups.read"

default_billing_address_id: String!

Default billing address identifier

Example: "ad_EQzGqWoY"

default_payment_source_id: String

Default stripe payment source id

Example: "card_1Ak9dNDVveQRXOWz2ZFPd73P"

default_shipping_address_id: String!

Default shipping address identifier

Example: "ad_EQzGqWoY"

deleted_at: String

The date and time when the customer was deleted

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

display_name: String!

The name to display for other customers (under product reviews and such)

Example: "John S."

email: String!

The email address of the customer

Example: "bob.norman@hostmail.com"

email_confirmation_token: String!

Token used for email confirmation

Example: "apHCJBl7L1OmC57nj3k6v02m"

email_confirmed: Boolean!

Whether customer's email address was confirmed or not

Example: false

id: String!

Unique customer identifier. See also: Unique Identifiers

Example: "cu_EQzGqWoY"

inferred_locale: String!

Inferred locale of the customer, free-form string in Accept-Language HTTP header format

Example: "fr-CH, fr;q=0.9, en;q=0.8, de;q=0.7, *;q=0.5"

is_disposable_email: Boolean!

Whether or not customer's email address looks suspicious (fraud)

Example: false

is_guest: Boolean!

Whether or not customer is a guest or not (has password)

Example: false

language: InfoLanguage

Preferred language of the customer


last_order: Order

Last order customer reserved


Permission bit: "orders.read"

metadata: [KeyValue!]!

mobile: String!

The mobile phone number of the customer (used for notifications)

Example: "45634634562"

mobile_notifications: Boolean!

Whether to notify customer via mobile phone or not

Example: false

name: String!

Name of the customer

Example: "John Smith"

oauth_provider: CustomerOAuthProviderKind

OAuth2 provider used for registering this account

oauth_providers: [CustomerOAuthProviderKind!]!

OAuth2 providers enabled for this customer if any

order_count: Int!

The number of orders associated with this customer

Example: 0

password_defined: Boolean!

Whether customer has password defined

Example: true

preferred_currency: String!

Currency customer prefers

Example: "USD"

reminder_messages: Boolean!

Indicates whether the customer desires to get reminder emails

Example: false

stripe_customer_id: String

Stripe customer id, if customer is registered with stripe gateway

Example: "cus_DiAslTjCjpW8JW"

sub_access_token: String!

Token that gives access to subscription fields

Example: "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"

tags: [String!]!

Customer tags (can be used for organization)

tax_exempt: Boolean!

Marks customer as tax-exempt, customer will not be charged any taxes

Example: false

timezone: String!

Name of the time zone the customer is in

Example: "(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time"

total_spent: Int!

The total amount of money that the customer has spent at the shop

Example: 0.0

updated_at: String!

The date and time when the customer information was updated

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

webauthn_keys: [WebauthnKey!]!

Webauthn keys if any

Used By


customersCreate, customersModify




CustomerExpandableItems, CustomerFavorite, CustomerInventory, CustomerPage, CustomerSearchResult, Order, OrderHistory, ProductQuestion, ProductQuestionAnswer, ProductReview, ReturnHistory, Subscription, UnifiedSearchResult, VariantInventoryLog

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