Types > OrderFulfillmentModify
Commerce APITypesOrderFulfillmentModify


Topic: Order Fulfillments


email: Boolean

Whether to notify customer about fulfillment creation or not

Example: false

pickup_inventory_location_id: String

Destination pickup inventory location

Valid when: pickup_inventory_location_id matches regexp pattern: ^il_

shipping_provider_type: ShippingProviderType

Type of the shipping provider

tracking_company: String

The name of the shipping company

Example: "Ship & Co"

Valid when: tracking_company's length doesn't exceed 250 characters

tracking_number: String

Shipping number, provided by the shipping company

Example: "1Z2345"

Valid when: tracking_number's length doesn't exceed 250 characters

tracking_url: String

The URLs to track the fulfillment

Example: "http://www.google.com/search?q=1Z2345"

Valid when: tracking_url's length doesn't exceed 250 characters

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