GraphQL API > Tutorial
OverviewGraphQL APITutorial

This tutorial demonstrates how to utilize the GraphQL API through NodeJS at a basic level. Familiarity with basic Linux shell commands, NodeJS, NPM, TypeScript, JavaScript, and GraphQL is assumed.

  1. Initiate a new NPM project:

    mkdir test-graphql-api
    cd test-graphql-api
    npm init
    # <press enter multiple times>
  2. Install the necessary dependencies:

    • TypeScript compiler.
    • Lana-specific TypeScript GraphQL code generator.
    • Lana-specific core library (provides GraphQL client helper library).
    • Optionally, install the "cross-fetch" package if your older NodeJS version doesn't support the "fetch()" API.
    npm install -D typescript @lana-commerce/core @lana-commerce/typescript-codegen cross-fetch
  3. Initialize TypeScript configuration:

    npm exec -- tsc --init
  4. Construct a directory with .graphql files. The TypeScript GraphQL code generator we utilize targets a dedicated directory:

    mkdir graphql
    echo "query GetCountriesInfo { infoCountries { code name } }" > graphql/all.graphql
  5. Generate types and queries as TypeScript code using the TypeScript GraphQL code generator:

    npm exec -- lana-commerce-typescript-codegen graphql graphql

    The execution should result in the creation of the following files:

    ├── all.graphql
    ├── fragments
    ├── operations
    │   └── GetCountriesInfoQuery.ts
    └── types.ts
  6. Create a basic script and save it as main.ts:

    import "cross-fetch/polyfill"; // only if your NodeJS doesn't have "fetch()" API
    import { request, prettyPrintRequestResponseError } from "@lana-commerce/core/request";
    import getCountriesInfoQuery from "./graphql/operations/GetCountriesInfoQuery";
    async function main() {
      const response = await request(getCountriesInfoQuery)();
      if (response.kind !== "data") {
        throw new Error(prettyPrintRequestResponseError(response));
      for (const c of {
        console.log(`CODE: ${c.code}, NAME: ${}`);
  7. Compile and execute the script:

    npm exec -- tsc
    node main.js

    If successful, the script will print a list of countries:

    CODE: AD, NAME: Andorra
    CODE: AE, NAME: United Arab Emirates
    CODE: AF, NAME: Afghanistan
    CODE: AG, NAME: Antigua and Barbuda
    CODE: YT, NAME: Mayotte
    CODE: ZA, NAME: South Africa
    CODE: ZM, NAME: Zambia
    CODE: ZW, NAME: Zimbabwe
  8. Congratulations! You have written a simple script that uses the Lana GraphQL API. The subsequent steps are optional.

  9. To add some complexity, try a query with variables. Append the following query to the graphql/all.graphql file:

    query GetProvinces($countryCode: String!) {
      infoProvinces(country_code: $countryCode) {
  10. Generate types and queries once more:

    npm exec -- lana-commerce-typescript-codegen graphql graphql
  11. Modify the main.ts script by incorporating an import statement for our new query:

    import getProvincesQuery from "./graphql/operations/GetProvincesQuery";
  12. Further modify the main.ts script by appending the following code at the conclusion of themain() function:

    const response2 = await request(getProvincesQuery)({ countryCode: "XX" });
    if (response2.kind !== "data") {
      throw new Error(prettyPrintRequestResponseError(response2, true));
    for (const p of {
      console.log(`PROVINCE CODE: ${p.code}, NAME: ${}`);

    Note that a non-existent country is used intentionally here. Compiling and running this script will yield an error. Also, a detailed flag was set to true in a call to prettyPrintRequestResponseError(). This should provide more detailed error information.

  13. Compile and execute the script:

    npm exec -- tsc
    node main.js

    In addition to your countries list, an exception should be thrown, with a message resembling this:

    Error: GraphQL API request failed:
    IdempotencyKey: 51717fea-d16e-4455-9f93-3892852cfac3
    Operation: query GetProvinces($countryCode:String!){infoProvinces(country_code:$countryCode){code name}}
    Variables: {
      "countryCode": "XX"
    [NotFound] Not Found
  14. Feel free to modify the country code to a valid one and try the process again. Remember to compile your code before executing it!

  15. This concludes the tutorial.

Commerce or Storefront API

This tutorial implicitly employs the Storefront API as it is the default when working with the mentioned libraries. If you wish to work with the Commerce API, you need to make the following modifications:

  1. When generating GraphQL TypeScript code, explicitly provide the schema URL:

    npm exec -- lana-commerce-typescript-codegen graphql \
      --schema graphql
  2. When making API calls using the request() function, provide the appropriate option:

    const response = await request(getCountriesInfoQuery)(undefined, { commerce: true });
API Changes