JSON API > Tutorial
OverviewJSON APITutorial

This tutorial will guide you through the basics of using the JSON API with NodeJS. Prior knowledge of basic Linux shell commands, NodeJS, npm, TypeScript, and JavaScript is assumed.

  1. Start by creating a new npm project:

    # Create a new directory for your project
    mkdir test-json-api
    # Navigate into your new project directory
    cd test-json-api
    # Initialize a new npm project
    npm init
    # Press 'Enter' multiple times to accept the defaults
  2. Install the necessary dependencies:

    • TypeScript compiler.
    • Lana-specific core library (provides json client helper library).
    • Optionally, install the "cross-fetch" package if your older NodeJS version doesn't support the "fetch()" API.
    npm install -D typescript @lana-commerce/core cross-fetch
  3. Initialize the TypeScript configuration:

    npm exec -- tsc --init
  4. Create a basic script by saving the following content as main.ts:

    // Import the cross-fetch polyfill only if your NodeJS version doesn't support the "fetch()" API
    import "cross-fetch/polyfill";
    // Import necessary functions from the core library
    import { request, prettyPrintResponseError } from "@lana-commerce/core/json/storefront";
    async function main() {
      // Send a GET request to the "info/countries.json" endpoint
      const response = await request({}, "GET:info/countries.json").send();
      // Throw an error if the response does not contain data
      if (response.kind !== "data") {
        throw new Error(prettyPrintResponseError(response));
      // Loop over the data in the response and print each country's code and name
      for (const c of response.data) {
        console.log(`CODE: ${c.code}, NAME: ${c.name}`);
    // Call the main function
  5. Compile and run the script:

    npm exec -- tsc
    node main.js

    If successful, the script will print a list of countries:

    CODE: AD, NAME: Andorra
    CODE: AE, NAME: United Arab Emirates
    CODE: AF, NAME: Afghanistan
    CODE: AG, NAME: Antigua and Barbuda
    CODE: YT, NAME: Mayotte
    CODE: ZA, NAME: South Africa
    CODE: ZM, NAME: Zambia
    CODE: ZW, NAME: Zimbabwe
  6. Congratulations! You have successfully written a simple script that uses the Lana JSON API. The next steps are optional, but recommended for a deeper understanding.

  7. To further challenge yourself, try a query with variables. Add the following code to the end of the main() function in the main.ts script:

    const response2 = await request({}, "GET:info/provinces.json").country_code("XX").send();
    if (response2.kind !== "data") {
      throw new Error(prettyPrintResponseError(response2, true));
    for (const p of response2.data) {
      console.log(`PROVINCE CODE: ${p.code}, NAME: ${p.name}`);

    Note that a non-existent country code is used here intentionally. Compiling and running this script will result in an error. Also, note the detailed flag set to true in the prettyPrintResponseError() function call. This flag prompts the function to print more detailed error information.

  8. Compile and run the script:

    npm exec -- tsc
    node main.js

    In addition to your list of countries, you should see an exception thrown with a message that looks somewhat like this:

    Error: JSON API request failed:
    Url: https://api.lana.dev/relay.json
    Path: info/provinces.json?country_code=XX
    Status: 400
    IdempotencyKey: f389cbf4-b849-4c2d-8557-57ec15b78bf9
    [NotFound] Not Found
  9. Try changing the country code to a valid one and run the script again. Remember to compile your code before running it!

  10. End of the tutorial.

Commerce or Storefront API

This tutorial uses Storefront API. If you want to work with Commerce API you need to perform the following changes:

  1. Replace the following import statement:

    import { request, prettyPrintResponseError } from "@lana-commerce/core/json/storefront";


    import { request, prettyPrintResponseError } from "@lana-commerce/core/json/commerce";