GraphQL API > Storefront API > API Changes
8 August, 2024
Field argument removed Breaking Changes
- Argument 'last_key: String' was removed from field 'TopQuery.storefrontSearchProducts'
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'last_key' was removed from object type 'StorefrontProductSearchResult'
1 August, 2024
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'storefrontAutocompleteProducts' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'VariantTypeFilter' was removed
18 July, 2024
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'amex_express_checkout' was removed from object type 'GatewayStripe'
- Field 'masterpass' was removed from object type 'GatewayStripe'
- Field 'visa_checkout' was removed from object type 'GatewayStripe'
- Field 'giropay' was removed from object type 'GatewayStripePaymentMethods'
- Field 'sofort' was removed from object type 'GatewayStripePaymentMethods'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'GatewayStripeAmexExpressCheckout' was removed
- Type 'GatewayStripeMasterpass' was removed
- Type 'GatewayStripeVisaCheckout' was removed
12 July, 2024
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'source' was removed from input object type 'OrderPayment'
- Input field 'stripe' was removed from input object type 'OrderPayment'
- Input field 'token' was removed from input object type 'OrderPayment'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'OrderPaymentStripe' was removed
10 April, 2024
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'tags' of type '[String!]' was added to input object type 'ReturnCreate'
4 December, 2023
Enum value removed Breaking Changes
- Enum value 'twitter' was removed from enum 'CustomerOAuthProviderKind'
6 November, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'tips_preview' was added to object type 'StorefrontOrder'
- Field 'tips_enabled' was added to object type 'StorefrontShop'
- Field 'tips_max' was added to object type 'StorefrontShop'
- Field 'tips_presets' was added to object type 'StorefrontShop'
- Field 'tips_variant' was added to object type 'StorefrontShop'
18 October, 2023
Field argument added Dangerous Changes
- Argument 'country_code: String' added to field 'TopQuery.infoCountries'
- Argument 'province_code: String' added to field 'TopQuery.infoProvinces'
6 October, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'storefrontAuthEmailLoginComplete' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'storefrontAuthEmailLoginInit' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'CustomerEmailLogin' was added
14 September, 2023
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'sales_channel_id' was removed from input object type 'StorefrontOrderCreate'
- Input field 'sales_channel_id' was removed from input object type 'StorefrontOrderModify'
6 September, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'sales_channel_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'StorefrontOrderCreate'
- Input field 'sales_channel_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'StorefrontOrderModify'
26 July, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'id' was added to object type 'OrderCustomItem'
24 July, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'custom_item_index' of type 'CustomItemIndex' was added to input object type 'OrderLineItemCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'custom_items' was added to object type 'StorefrontOrder'
- Field 'custom_item_index' was added to object type 'StorefrontOrderLineItem'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'CustomItemIndex' was added
- Type 'OrderCustomItem' was added
28 June, 2023
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'discount_price' was removed from object type 'StorefrontOrder'
- Field 'sum_tax_after' was removed from object type 'StorefrontOrder'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'DiscountPrice' was removed
- Type 'SumTaxAfter' was removed
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'round_tax_at' was added to object type 'StorefrontOrder'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'RoundTaxAt' was added
14 June, 2023
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'imported' was added to enum 'OrderState'
12 June, 2023
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'use_bundle_inventory' was removed from object type 'OrderLineItemDetail'
25 May, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'options' was added to object type 'InfoDataFeedPreset'
- Field 'template_footer' was added to object type 'InfoDataFeedPreset'
- Field 'template_header' was added to object type 'InfoDataFeedPreset'
- Field 'template_item' was added to object type 'InfoDataFeedPreset'
23 May, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'config_description' was added to object type 'InfoDataFeedField'
- Field 'uses_config' was added to object type 'InfoDataFeedField'
- Field 'consumer_fields' was added to object type 'InfoDataFeedPreset'
- Field 'id' was added to object type 'InfoDataFeedPreset'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'InfoDataFeedPresetField' was added
8 May, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'year_from' was added to object type 'InventoryLocationDateRange'
- Field 'year_to' was added to object type 'InventoryLocationDateRange'
- Field 'google_product_category_code' was added to object type 'StorefrontProduct'
- Field 'google_product_category_name' was added to object type 'StorefrontProduct'
- Field 'custom_fields' was added to object type 'StorefrontProductVariant'
- Field 'infoDataFeeds' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'DataFeedField' was added
- Type 'InfoDataFeedField' was added
- Type 'InfoDataFeedPreset' was added
- Type 'InfoDataFeeds' was added
2 May, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'relevant_hours' was added to object type 'InventoryLocation'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'InventoryLocationRelevantHours' was added
1 May, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'special_hours' was added to object type 'InventoryLocation'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'InventoryLocationDateRange' was added
- Type 'InventoryLocationDayHour' was added
- Type 'InventoryLocationSpecialHours' was added
25 April, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'on_hold' was added to object type 'StorefrontOrder'
- Field 'on_hold_until' was added to object type 'StorefrontOrder'
- Field 'storefrontOrdersCancel' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
18 April, 2023
Field argument added Dangerous Changes
- Argument 'loose: Boolean' added to field 'TopQuery.storefrontOptions'
- Argument 'loose: Boolean' added to field 'TopQuery.storefrontSurveyQuestions'
13 February, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'failed_attempts' was added to object type 'PaymentDetail'
10 February, 2023
Field type changed Breaking Changes
- Field 'StorefrontFile.size' changed type from 'Int!' to 'String!'
Input field type changed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'FileCreate.size' changed type from 'Int' to 'String'
8 February, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'country' was added to object type 'PaymentDetailCard'
- Field 'exp_month' was added to object type 'PaymentDetailCard'
- Field 'exp_year' was added to object type 'PaymentDetailCard'
31 January, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'ip_and_ua' was added to object type 'PaymentDetailClient'
30 January, 2023
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'temp_path' was removed from input object type 'FileCreate'
27 January, 2023
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'brandingDefault' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
Field type changed Breaking Changes
- Field 'ReviewImagePage.items' changed type from '[File]' to '[StorefrontFile]'
- Field 'StorefrontBrand.content_image_files' changed type from '[File]' to '[StorefrontFile]'
- Field 'StorefrontBrand.image_files' changed type from '[File]' to '[StorefrontFile]'
- Field 'StorefrontCategory.content_image_files' changed type from '[File]' to '[StorefrontFile]'
- Field 'StorefrontCategory.image_files' changed type from '[File]' to '[StorefrontFile]'
- Field 'StorefrontContentBlock.content_image_files' changed type from '[File]' to '[StorefrontFile]'
- Field 'StorefrontCustomFieldObjects.files' changed type from '[File]' to '[StorefrontFile]'
- Field 'StorefrontProduct.content_image_files' changed type from '[File]' to '[StorefrontFile]'
- Field 'StorefrontProductReview.image_files' changed type from '[File]' to '[StorefrontFile]'
- Field 'StorefrontProductVariant.linked_media_files' changed type from '[MediaFile!]!' to '[StorefrontMediaFile!]!'
- Field 'StorefrontProductVariant.media_files' changed type from '[MediaFile!]!' to '[StorefrontMediaFile!]!'
- Field 'StorefrontReturn.label_file' changed type from 'File' to 'StorefrontFile'
- Field 'TopMutation.storefrontFilesCreate' changed type from '[File!]' to '[StorefrontFile!]'
- Field 'TopMutation.storefrontFilesModify' changed type from '[File!]' to '[StorefrontFile!]'
- Field 'TopMutation.storefrontFilesUploaded' changed type from 'File' to 'StorefrontFile'
- Field 'TopQuery.storefrontBranding' changed type from 'Branding' to 'StorefrontBranding'
- Field 'TopQuery.storefrontFiles' changed type from '[File!]' to '[StorefrontFile!]'
- Field 'TopQuery.storefrontFilesStatus' changed type from 'ShardedTask' to 'StorefrontFileStatus'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'Branding' was removed
- Type 'BrandingField' was removed
- Type 'File' was removed
- Type 'MediaFile' was removed
- Type 'ShardedTask' was removed
- Type 'ShardedTaskError' was removed
- Type 'ShardedTaskProgress' was removed
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'storefrontBrandingDefault' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'StorefrontBranding' was added
- Type 'StorefrontBrandingField' was added
- Type 'StorefrontFile' was added
- Type 'StorefrontFileStatus' was added
- Type 'StorefrontMediaFile' was added
25 January, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'custom_billing_address' of type 'AddressCreate' was added to input object type 'SubscriptionEdit'
- Input field 'custom_shipping_address' of type 'AddressCreate' was added to input object type 'SubscriptionEdit'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'custom_billing_address' was added to object type 'StorefrontSubscription'
- Field 'custom_shipping_address' was added to object type 'StorefrontSubscription'
20 January, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'pinned' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'FileCreate'
- Input field 'pinned' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'FileModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'md5' was added to object type 'File'
- Field 'pinned' was added to object type 'File'
- Field 'md5' was added to object type 'UserFile'
24 November, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'pending_payment' was added to enum 'SubscriptionState'
18 November, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'billing_address' was added to object type 'StorefrontSubscription'
- Field 'billing_address_id' was added to object type 'StorefrontSubscription'
- Field 'payment_source' was added to object type 'StorefrontSubscription'
- Field 'payment_source_id' was added to object type 'StorefrontSubscription'
- Field 'shipping_address' was added to object type 'StorefrontSubscription'
- Field 'shipping_address_id' was added to object type 'StorefrontSubscription'
14 November, 2022
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'default_billing_address_idx' was removed from object type 'StorefrontCustomer'
- Field 'default_shipping_address_idx' was removed from object type 'StorefrontCustomer'
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'default_billing_address_idx' was removed from input object type 'StorefrontCustomerCreate'
- Input field 'default_shipping_address_idx' was removed from input object type 'StorefrontCustomerCreate'
- Input field 'default_billing_address_idx' was removed from input object type 'StorefrontCustomerModify'
- Input field 'default_shipping_address_idx' was removed from input object type 'StorefrontCustomerModify'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'AddressCreate'
- Input field 'default_billing_address_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'StorefrontCustomerCreate'
- Input field 'default_shipping_address_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'StorefrontCustomerCreate'
- Input field 'default_billing_address_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'StorefrontCustomerModify'
- Input field 'default_shipping_address_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'StorefrontCustomerModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'payment_method_id' was added to object type 'PaymentDetail'
- Field 'default_billing_address_id' was added to object type 'StorefrontCustomer'
- Field 'default_shipping_address_id' was added to object type 'StorefrontCustomer'
- Field 'storefrontSubscriptionsEdit' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'SubscriptionEdit' was added
- Type 'SubscriptionParam' was added
10 November, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'error' was added to object type 'StorefrontSubscription'
- Field 'error_count' was added to object type 'StorefrontSubscription'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'SubscriptionError' was added
4 November, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'subscription_only' was added to object type 'StorefrontProduct'
- Field 'discountable' was added to object type 'SubscriptionPlan'
1 November, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'customer_can_pause_subscription' was added to object type 'StorefrontShop'
- Field 'customer_can_skip_subscription' was added to object type 'StorefrontShop'
- Field 'align_day_of_month' was added to object type 'SubscriptionPlan'
- Field 'align_day_of_week' was added to object type 'SubscriptionPlan'
- Field 'align_hour' was added to object type 'SubscriptionPlan'
- Field 'align_month' was added to object type 'SubscriptionPlan'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'OptionalInt' was added
24 October, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'storefrontSubscriptionsCancel' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'storefrontSubscriptionsPause' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'storefrontSubscriptionsResume' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'storefrontSubscriptionsSkipNext' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'storefrontSubscriptions' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'storefrontSubscriptionsPage' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'StorefrontSubscriptionPage' was added
- Type 'StorefrontSubscriptionsPageSortBy' was added
21 October, 2022
Enum value removed Breaking Changes
- Enum value 'error_done' was removed from enum 'SubscriptionState'
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'canceled' was added to enum 'SubscriptionState'
- Enum value 'failed' was added to enum 'SubscriptionState'
18 October, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'past_due' was added to enum 'SubscriptionState'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'last_order' was added to object type 'StorefrontSubscription'
- Field 'next_offset' was added to object type 'StorefrontSubscription'
- Field 'tick_count' was added to object type 'StorefrontSubscription'
17 October, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'done' was added to enum 'SubscriptionState'
- Enum value 'error' was added to enum 'SubscriptionState'
- Enum value 'error_done' was added to enum 'SubscriptionState'
- Enum value 'pending' was added to enum 'SubscriptionState'
14 October, 2022
Input field type changed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'OrderLineItemCreate.subscription_plan_index' changed type from 'Int!' to 'SubscriptionPlanIndex'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'SubscriptionPlanIndex' was added
10 October, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'subscription' was added to enum 'OrderSourceName'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'next_at' was added to object type 'StorefrontSubscription'
- Field 'state' was added to object type 'StorefrontSubscription'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'SubscriptionState' was added
7 October, 2022
Input field added Breaking Changes
- Input field 'subscription_plan_index' of type 'Int!' was added to input object type 'OrderLineItemCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'subscription' was added to object type 'StorefrontOrderLineItem'
- Field 'subscription_plan_index' was added to object type 'StorefrontOrderLineItem'
- Field 'subscription_plans' was added to object type 'StorefrontProduct'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'StorefrontSubscription' was added
- Type 'SubscriptionPlan' was added
- Type 'SubscriptionPlanInterval' was added
- Type 'SubscriptionPlanPriceType' was added
26 September, 2022
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'field_set_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'OrderLineItemCreate'
- Input field 'fields' of type '[LineItemFieldCreate!]' was added to input object type 'OrderLineItemCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'field_set' was added to object type 'StorefrontOrderLineItem'
- Field 'fields' was added to object type 'StorefrontOrderLineItem'
- Field 'field_set' was added to object type 'StorefrontProduct'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'LineItemField' was added
- Type 'LineItemFieldCreate' was added
22 September, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'storefrontProductFieldSets' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ProductField' was added
- Type 'ProductFieldSet' was added
- Type 'ProductFieldType' was added
13 September, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'visits' was added to enum 'SearchProductsSortBy'
12 September, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'rating' was added to enum 'SearchProductsSortBy'
Field argument added Dangerous Changes
- Argument 'parameters: [String!]' added to field 'TopQuery.storefrontProductsPage'
- Argument 'last_key: String' added to field 'TopQuery.storefrontSearchProducts'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'context' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'SearchOption'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'last_key' was added to object type 'StorefrontProductSearchResult'
- Field 'infoContentModels' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ContentModel' was added
2 September, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'sales' was added to enum 'SearchProductsSortBy'
26 August, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'discount_preview' was added to object type 'StorefrontOrderLineItem'
8 August, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'survey_answers_summary' was added to object type 'StorefrontProduct'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ProductReviewAnswerSummary' was added
28 July, 2022
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'survey_answers' of type '[ProductReviewSurveyAnswerCreate!]' was added to input object type 'StorefrontProductReviewCreate'
- Input field 'survey_answers' of type '[ProductReviewSurveyAnswerCreate!]' was added to input object type 'StorefrontProductReviewModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'survey_answers' was added to object type 'StorefrontProductReview'
- Field 'meta' was added to object type 'SurveyQuestion'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ProductReviewSurveyAnswer' was added
- Type 'ProductReviewSurveyAnswerCreate' was added
26 July, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'survey_questions' was added to object type 'ReviewDimensionSet'
- Field 'storefrontSurveyQuestions' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'SurveyQuestion' was added
- Type 'SurveyQuestionKind' was added
19 July, 2022
Enum value removed Breaking Changes
- Enum value 'disabled' was removed from enum 'ReturnPolicyReturnFee'
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'refund_type' was removed from object type 'StorefrontReturn'
- Field 'address' was removed from object type 'StorefrontReturnPolicy'
- Field 'address_type' was removed from object type 'StorefrontReturnPolicy'
- Field 'inventory_location' was removed from object type 'StorefrontReturnPolicy'
- Field 'return_fee_options' was removed from object type 'StorefrontReturnPolicy'
Input field added Breaking Changes
- Input field 'shipping_option_index' of type 'Int!' was added to input object type 'ReturnCreate'
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'refund_type' was removed from input object type 'ReturnCreate'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'ReturnPolicyRefundType' was removed
- Type 'StorefrontReturnFeeOption' was removed
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'customer_balance' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'ReturnCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'customer_balance' was added to object type 'StorefrontReturn'
- Field 'return_address' was added to object type 'StorefrontReturn'
- Field 'return_address_type' was added to object type 'StorefrontReturn'
- Field 'return_inventory_location' was added to object type 'StorefrontReturn'
- Field 'reverse_logistics' was added to object type 'StorefrontReturn'
- Field 'reverse_logistics_desc' was added to object type 'StorefrontReturn'
- Field 'reverse_logistics_name' was added to object type 'StorefrontReturn'
- Field 'refund_option' was added to object type 'StorefrontReturnPolicy'
- Field 'shipping_options' was added to object type 'StorefrontReturnPolicy'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ReturnPolicyRefundOption' was added
- Type 'StorefrontReturnPolicyShippingOption' was added
12 July, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'return_mode' was added to object type 'StorefrontProduct'
- Field 'storefrontReturnsCreate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'returnReasons' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'storefrontReturnPolicies' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'storefrontReturns' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'storefrontReturnsFindPolicy' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'storefrontReturnsPage' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ProductReturnMode' was added
- Type 'ReturnCreate' was added
- Type 'ReturnHistoryAction' was added
- Type 'ReturnLineItemCreate' was added
- Type 'ReturnPolicyAddressType' was added
- Type 'ReturnPolicyRefundType' was added
- Type 'ReturnPolicyReturnFee' was added
- Type 'ReturnReason' was added
- Type 'ReturnReasonType' was added
- Type 'ReturnState' was added
- Type 'ReturnTrackingEvent' was added
- Type 'ReverseLogistics' was added
- Type 'StorefrontReturn' was added
- Type 'StorefrontReturnFeeOption' was added
- Type 'StorefrontReturnHistory' was added
- Type 'StorefrontReturnLineItem' was added
- Type 'StorefrontReturnPage' was added
- Type 'StorefrontReturnPolicy' was added
- Type 'StorefrontReturnsPageSortBy' was added
5 July, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'moto' was added to object type 'GatewayStripe'
4 July, 2022
Enum value removed Breaking Changes
- Enum value 'home' was removed from enum 'MenuItemType'
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'empty' was added to enum 'MenuItemType'
- Enum value 'meta' was added to enum 'MenuItemType'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'meta' was added to object type 'StorefrontMenuItem'
1 June, 2022
Field type changed Breaking Changes
- Field 'StorefrontCustomFieldObjects.brands' changed type from '[Brand]' to '[StorefrontBrand]'
- Field 'StorefrontCustomFieldObjects.categories' changed type from '[Category]' to '[StorefrontCategory]'
- Field 'StorefrontMenuItem.category' changed type from 'Category' to 'StorefrontCategory'
- Field 'StorefrontProduct.brand' changed type from 'Brand' to 'StorefrontBrand'
- Field 'StorefrontProduct.categories' changed type from '[Category]' to '[StorefrontCategory]'
- Field 'StorefrontProductSearchResult.categories' changed type from '[CategoryCount!]!' to '[StorefrontCategoryCount!]!'
- Field 'TopQuery.storefrontBrands' changed type from '[Brand!]' to '[StorefrontBrand!]'
- Field 'TopQuery.storefrontBrandsPage' changed type from 'BrandPage' to 'StorefrontBrandPage'
- Field 'TopQuery.storefrontCategories' changed type from '[Category!]' to '[StorefrontCategory!]'
- Field 'TopQuery.storefrontSuggestBrands' changed type from 'BrandExpandableItems' to 'StorefrontBrandExpandableItems'
- Field 'TopQuery.storefrontSuggestCategories' changed type from 'CategoryExpandableItems' to 'StorefrontCategoryExpandableItems'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'Brand' was removed
- Type 'BrandExpandableItems' was removed
- Type 'BrandPage' was removed
- Type 'Category' was removed
- Type 'CategoryCount' was removed
- Type 'CategoryExpandableItems' was removed
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'custom_field_objects' was added to object type 'StorefrontMenu'
- Field 'custom_fields' was added to object type 'StorefrontMenu'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'StorefrontBrand' was added
- Type 'StorefrontBrandExpandableItems' was added
- Type 'StorefrontBrandPage' was added
- Type 'StorefrontCategory' was added
- Type 'StorefrontCategoryCount' was added
- Type 'StorefrontCategoryExpandableItems' was added
2 May, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'test' was added to object type 'StorefrontShop'
24 March, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'twitter' was added to enum 'CustomerOAuthProviderKind'
Field argument added Dangerous Changes
- Argument 'token: String' added to field 'TopMutation.storefrontCustomersOauth'
- Argument 'verifier: String' added to field 'TopMutation.storefrontCustomersOauth'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'oauth_token' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'CustomerLogin'
- Input field 'oauth_verifier' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'CustomerLogin'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'storefrontAuthRequest' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
Field argument type changed Non-Breaking Changes
- Type for argument 'code' on field 'TopMutation.storefrontCustomersOauth' changed from 'String!' to 'String'
22 March, 2022
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'clone_from_cart_id' was removed from input object type 'StorefrontOrderCreate'
16 March, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'apple' was added to enum 'CustomerOAuthProviderKind'
14 February, 2022
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'reminder_messages' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'StorefrontCustomerCreate'
- Input field 'reminder_messages' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'StorefrontCustomerModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'reminder_messages' was added to object type 'StorefrontCustomer'
- Field 'storefrontSubscriptionCreate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'storefrontSubscription' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'StorefrontCustomerSubscription' was added
- Type 'StorefrontCustomerSubscriptionCreate' was added
21 January, 2022
Field argument added Breaking Changes
- Argument 'shop_id: String!' added to field 'TopMutation.storefrontCustomersOauthDelete'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'password_defined' was added to object type 'StorefrontCustomer'
20 January, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'gitlab' was added to enum 'CustomerOAuthProviderKind'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'storefrontCustomersOauth' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'storefrontCustomersOauthDelete' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
17 January, 2022
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'language' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'CustomerLogin'
- Input field 'oauth_code' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'CustomerLogin'
- Input field 'oauth_provider' of type 'CustomerOAuthProviderKind' was added to input object type 'CustomerLogin'
- Input field 'preferred_currency' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'CustomerLogin'
- Input field 'timezone' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'CustomerLogin'
- Input field 'timezone_hint' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'CustomerLogin'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'oauth_provider' was added to object type 'StorefrontCustomer'
- Field 'customer_oauth_providers' was added to object type 'StorefrontShop'
Input field type changed Non-Breaking Changes
- Input field '' changed type from 'String!' to 'String'
- Input field 'CustomerLogin.password' changed type from 'String!' to 'String'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'CustomerOAuthProviderKind' was added
- Type 'StorefrontCustomerOAuthProvider' was added
15 October, 2021
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'flat_fee' was removed from object type 'TieredPricingTier'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'tiered_pricing_mode' was added to object type 'StorefrontProduct'
- Field 'tiered_pricing' was added to object type 'StorefrontProductVariant'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'TieredPricingMode' was added
14 October, 2021
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'tiered_pricing' was added to object type 'CurrencyPrice'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'TieredPricing' was added
- Type 'TieredPricingModel' was added
- Type 'TieredPricingTier' was added
30 September, 2021
Field argument type changed Breaking Changes
- Type for argument 'data' on field 'TopMutation.storefrontFavoritesCreate' changed from '[CustomerFavoriteCreate!]!' to '[StorefrontCustomerFavoriteCreate!]!'
Field type changed Breaking Changes
- Field 'StorefrontProductVariant.favorite' changed type from 'CustomerFavorite' to 'StorefrontCustomerFavorite'
- Field 'TopMutation.storefrontFavoritesCreate' changed type from '[CustomerFavorite!]' to '[StorefrontCustomerFavorite!]'
- Field 'TopQuery.storefrontFavorites' changed type from '[CustomerFavorite!]' to '[StorefrontCustomerFavorite!]'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'CustomerFavorite' was removed
- Type 'CustomerFavoriteCreate' was removed
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'storefrontFavoritesModify' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'StorefrontCustomerFavorite' was added
- Type 'StorefrontCustomerFavoriteCreate' was added
- Type 'StorefrontCustomerFavoriteModify' was added
24 September, 2021
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'favorite' was added to object type 'StorefrontProductVariant'
- Field 'storefrontFavoritesCreate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'storefrontFavoritesDelete' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'storefrontFavorites' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'CustomerFavorite' was added
- Type 'CustomerFavoriteCreate' was added
9 September, 2021
Field type changed Breaking Changes
- Field 'StorefrontOrder.promotion' changed type from 'StorefrontPromotionFlat' to 'StorefrontPromotion'
- Field 'TopQuery.storefrontPromotions' changed type from '[StorefrontPromotionFlat!]' to '[StorefrontPromotion!]'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'StorefrontPromotionFlat' was removed
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'StorefrontPromotion' was added
8 September, 2021
Field argument removed Breaking Changes
- Argument 'ancestors: Boolean' was removed from field 'TopQuery.storefrontCategories'
- Argument 'children: Boolean' was removed from field 'TopQuery.storefrontCategories'
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'children' was removed from object type 'Category'
- Field 'parent' was removed from object type 'Category'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'ArbitraryObjectType' was removed
Field argument added Dangerous Changes
- Argument 'children_of: String' added to field 'TopQuery.storefrontCategories'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'ancestors' was added to object type 'Category'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'CategoryAncestor' was added
3 September, 2021
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'timezone_hint' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'StorefrontCustomerCreate'
23 August, 2021
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'preferred_locale' was removed from object type 'StorefrontCustomer'
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'preferred_locale' was removed from input object type 'StorefrontCustomerCreate'
- Input field 'preferred_locale' was removed from input object type 'StorefrontCustomerModify'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'language' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'StorefrontCustomerCreate'
- Input field 'timezone' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'StorefrontCustomerCreate'
- Input field 'language' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'StorefrontCustomerModify'
- Input field 'timezone' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'StorefrontCustomerModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'inferred_locale' was added to object type 'StorefrontCustomer'
- Field 'language' was added to object type 'StorefrontCustomer'
- Field 'timezone' was added to object type 'StorefrontCustomer'
6 July, 2021
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'meta' was added to object type 'Option'
- Field 'meta' was added to object type 'OptionValue'
- Field 'linked_media_files' was added to object type 'StorefrontProductVariant'
22 June, 2021
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'inventory_policy' was added to object type 'StorefrontProductVariant'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'InventoryPolicy' was added
6 April, 2021
Field argument added Dangerous Changes
- Argument 'updated_at: String' added to field 'TopMutation.storefrontOrdersCreate'
- Argument 'updated_at: String' added to field 'TopMutation.storefrontOrdersModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'variant_id' was added to object type 'StorefrontOrderLineItem'