Concepts > Using Explorer
OverviewConceptsUsing Explorer
Using Explorer

Explorer is a purpose-built GraphQL IDE designed to simplify the development and testing of Lana GraphQL queries.


Explorer is fully integrated with the Lana frontend, allowing for the execution of GraphQL queries that need authorization. When you're signed in to Lana, Explorer automatically fetches a list of your test shops and all related API keys.

Choose "Stay signed in" when signing in to Lana to ensure Explorer can retrieve your API keys.

Automatic variable values

For certain selected variables, Explorer substitutes their default value with information sourced through the Lana frontend integration. Here's a list:

Variable nameValue
shopIDID of the shop from which the selected API key originates

"Try in explorer"

Some of the GraphQL snippets in our documentation feature a Try in explorer link. By clicking on this link, the contents of the snippet will be copied into Explorer. To execute the GraphQL query, click on Run from the toolbar.

Example snippet:

query GetCountriesInfo {
  infoCountries {

Test any GraphQL query/mutation

On every GraphQL query/mutation page, you'll find this "play" icon in the header:

Try GraphQL icon

Clicking on this icon will redirect you to Explorer with an automatically generated snippet for that specific query/mutation. This feature is especially handy if you want to quickly test something.

Permission Bits
Limits & Quotas