GraphQL API > Commerce API > API Changes
2 January, 2025
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'prefer_twenty_four_hour' of type 'AutoBoolean' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
- Input field 'prefer_twenty_four_hour' of type 'AutoBoolean' was added to input object type 'UserCreate'
- Input field 'prefer_twenty_four_hour' of type 'AutoBoolean' was added to input object type 'UserModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'prefer_twenty_four_hour' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
- Field 'prefer_twenty_four_hour' was added to object type 'User'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'AutoBoolean' was added
28 November, 2024
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'oauth_providers' was added to object type 'Customer'
22 November, 2024
Field argument added Breaking Changes
- Argument 'provider: OAuth2Provider!' added to field 'TopMutation.usersOauthDelete'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'oauth_session_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'UserLogin'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'oauth_providers' was added to object type 'User'
14 November, 2024
Field argument added Breaking Changes
- Argument 'ids: [String!]!' added to field 'TopMutation.usersWebauthnDelete'
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'webauthn_enabled' was removed from object type 'Customer'
- Field 'webauthn_enabled' was removed from object type 'User'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'webauthn_keys' was added to object type 'Customer'
- Field 'webauthn_keys' was added to object type 'User'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'WebauthnKey' was added
6 November, 2024
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'customer_webauthn' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'customer_webauthn' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
1 November, 2024
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'webauthn_credential' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'CustomerCreate'
- Input field 'webauthn_session_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'CustomerCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'webauthn_enabled' was added to object type 'Customer'
31 October, 2024
Field argument added Breaking Changes
- Argument 'data: WebauthnAdd!' added to field 'TopMutation.usersWebauthn'
Field argument removed Breaking Changes
- Argument 'email: String' was removed from field 'TopMutation.usersWebauthn'
- Argument 'name: String' was removed from field 'TopMutation.usersWebauthn'
Field type changed Breaking Changes
- Field 'TopMutation.usersWebauthn' changed type from 'WebauthnResponse' to 'Boolean'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'usersInitWebauthn' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'usersWebauthnDelete' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'webauthn_enabled' was added to object type 'User'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'WebauthnAdd' was added
29 October, 2024
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'webauthn_credential' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'UserCreate'
- Input field 'webauthn_session_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'UserCreate'
- Input field 'webauthn_credential' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'UserLogin'
- Input field 'webauthn_session_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'UserLogin'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'usersWebauthn' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'WebauthnResponse' was added
22 October, 2024
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'disabled' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'SynonymEntryCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'disabled' was added to object type 'SynonymEntry'
18 October, 2024
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'inventoryRulesGraphCreate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'shippingRulesGraphCreate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'taxRulesGraphCreate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'inventoryRulesGraph' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'inventoryRulesLookup' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'shippingRulesGraph' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'shippingRulesLookup' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'taxRulesGraph' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'taxRulesLookup' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'InventoryRuleLookupResult' was added
- Type 'InventoryRulesGraph' was added
- Type 'InventoryRulesGraphCreate' was added
- Type 'JurisdictionSlot' was added
- Type 'ShippingRuleLookupProvider' was added
- Type 'ShippingRuleLookupResult' was added
- Type 'ShippingRulesGraph' was added
- Type 'ShippingRulesGraphCreate' was added
- Type 'TaxRuleLookupRate' was added
- Type 'TaxRuleLookupResult' was added
- Type 'TaxRulesGraph' was added
- Type 'TaxRulesGraphCreate' was added
8 October, 2024
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'meta' was added to object type 'InvoiceLine'
7 October, 2024
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'attachments' was removed from object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'requests' was removed from object type 'TopMutation'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'Attachment' was removed
- Type 'Request' was removed
- Type 'RequestAttachment' was removed
Field argument added Dangerous Changes
- Argument 'ignore_gift_cards: Boolean' added to field 'TopQuery.suggestProducts'
30 September, 2024
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'filesStats' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'FileStats' was added
23 September, 2024
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'productVariantsPriceHistory' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ProductVariantPriceHistory' was added
17 September, 2024
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'currenciesHistory' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'CurrencyHistory' was added
- Type 'CurrencyHistoryEntry' was added
6 September, 2024
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'supportArticlesVote' was removed from object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'blogs' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'blogsPage' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'suggestBlogs' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'suggestSupportArticles' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'supportArticles' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'supportArticlesPage' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'Blog' was removed
- Type 'BlogExpandableItems' was removed
- Type 'BlogFilterType' was removed
- Type 'BlogPage' was removed
- Type 'BlogRevision' was removed
- Type 'BlogsPageSortBy' was removed
- Type 'BlogTopic' was removed
- Type 'SupportArticle' was removed
- Type 'SupportArticleExpandableItems' was removed
- Type 'SupportArticleFilterType' was removed
- Type 'SupportArticlePage' was removed
- Type 'SupportArticleRevision' was removed
- Type 'SupportArticlesPageSortBy' was removed
- Type 'SupportTopic' was removed
29 August, 2024
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'shopsSynonymSettingsCreate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'shopsSynonymSettings' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'shopsSynonymSettingsTest' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'SynonymEntry' was added
- Type 'SynonymEntryCreate' was added
- Type 'SynonymEntryKind' was added
- Type 'SynonymSettings' was added
- Type 'SynonymSettingsCreate' was added
8 August, 2024
Field argument removed Breaking Changes
- Argument 'last_key: String' was removed from field 'TopQuery.searchProducts'
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'last_key' was removed from object type 'ProductSearchResult'
1 August, 2024
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'autocompleteCustomers' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'autocompleteProducts' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
Field argument added Dangerous Changes
- Argument 'type: VariantTypeFilter' added to field 'TopQuery.suggestProducts'
18 July, 2024
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'amex_express_checkout' was removed from object type 'GatewayStripe'
- Field 'masterpass' was removed from object type 'GatewayStripe'
- Field 'visa_checkout' was removed from object type 'GatewayStripe'
- Field 'giropay' was removed from object type 'GatewayStripePaymentMethods'
- Field 'sofort' was removed from object type 'GatewayStripePaymentMethods'
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'amex_express_checkout' was removed from input object type 'GatewayStripeCreate'
- Input field 'masterpass' was removed from input object type 'GatewayStripeCreate'
- Input field 'visa_checkout' was removed from input object type 'GatewayStripeCreate'
- Input field 'giropay' was removed from input object type 'GatewayStripePaymentMethodsCreate'
- Input field 'sofort' was removed from input object type 'GatewayStripePaymentMethodsCreate'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'GatewayStripeAmexExpressCheckout' was removed
- Type 'GatewayStripeAmexExpressCheckoutCreate' was removed
- Type 'GatewayStripeMasterpass' was removed
- Type 'GatewayStripeMasterpassCreate' was removed
- Type 'GatewayStripeVisaCheckout' was removed
- Type 'GatewayStripeVisaCheckoutCreate' was removed
12 July, 2024
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'source' was removed from input object type 'OrderPayment'
- Input field 'stripe' was removed from input object type 'OrderPayment'
- Input field 'token' was removed from input object type 'OrderPayment'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'OrderPaymentStripe' was removed
30 April, 2024
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'inventory_summary' was added to object type 'Product'
- Field 'inventory_summary' was added to object type 'ProductVariant'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'InventorySummary' was added
10 April, 2024
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'tags' of type '[String!]' was added to input object type 'CustomerCreate'
- Input field 'tags' of type '[String!]' was added to input object type 'CustomerModify'
- Input field 'tags' of type '[String!]' was added to input object type 'OIOrder'
- Input field 'tags' of type '[String!]' was added to input object type 'OrderCreate'
- Input field 'tags' of type '[String!]' was added to input object type 'OrderModify'
- Input field 'tags' of type '[String!]' was added to input object type 'OrderOverride'
- Input field 'tags' of type '[String!]' was added to input object type 'ProductCreate'
- Input field 'tags' of type '[String!]' was added to input object type 'ProductModify'
- Input field 'tags' of type '[String!]' was added to input object type 'ReturnCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'tags' was added to object type 'Customer'
- Field 'tags' was added to object type 'Order'
- Field 'tags' was added to object type 'Product'
- Field 'tags' was added to object type 'Return'
9 April, 2024
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'on_hold_until' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'OrderOverride'
29 March, 2024
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'workflows' was added to object type 'ShopSettingsFeatures'
5 March, 2024
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'workflowsExecsResume' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'resume_at' was added to object type 'WorkflowExec'
4 March, 2024
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'debug' was added to object type 'WorkflowExec'
- Field 'input_data' was added to object type 'WorkflowExec'
1 March, 2024
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'api_key_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'WorkflowCreate'
- Input field 'api_key_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'WorkflowModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'api_key' was added to object type 'Workflow'
23 February, 2024
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'webhooksCrc' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'crc_status' was added to object type 'Webhook'
- Field 'secret' was added to object type 'Webhook'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'WebhookCRCStatus' was added
22 February, 2024
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'executed_at' was removed from object type 'WorkflowExec'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'enabled' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'WorkflowCreate'
- Input field 'enabled' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'WorkflowModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'workflowsExecute' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'enabled' was added to object type 'Workflow'
- Field 'timeout_violations' was added to object type 'Workflow'
- Field 'ended_at' was added to object type 'WorkflowExec'
- Field 'started_at' was added to object type 'WorkflowExec'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'WorkflowExecute' was added
- Type 'WorkflowExecuteResult' was added
21 February, 2024
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'workflowsExecsPage' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'WorkflowExec' was added
- Type 'WorkflowExecPage' was added
20 February, 2024
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'next_at' was added to object type 'Workflow'
19 February, 2024
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'workflowsCreate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'workflowsDelete' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'workflowsModify' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'workflows' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'Workflow' was added
- Type 'WorkflowCreate' was added
- Type 'WorkflowModify' was added
13 February, 2024
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'count' was removed from object type 'TestEmailPage'
- Field 'count' was removed from object type 'TestSmsPage'
29 January, 2024
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'conditions' was removed from object type 'TaxRule'
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'conditions' was removed from input object type 'TaxRuleCreate'
- Input field 'conditions' was removed from input object type 'TaxRuleModify'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'JurisdictionSlot' was removed
- Type 'TaxRuleCondition' was removed
- Type 'TaxRuleConditionCreate' was removed
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'components' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'TaxRuleCreate'
- Input field 'components' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'TaxRuleModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'components' was added to object type 'TaxRule'
24 January, 2024
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'conditions' was removed from object type 'ShippingRule'
Field type changed Breaking Changes
- Field 'InventoryRule.components' changed type from '[InventoryRuleComponent!]!' to 'String!'
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'conditions' was removed from input object type 'ShippingRuleCreate'
- Input field 'conditions' was removed from input object type 'ShippingRuleModify'
Input field type changed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'InventoryRuleCreate.components' changed type from '[InventoryRuleComponentCreate!]' to 'String'
- Input field 'InventoryRuleModify.components' changed type from '[InventoryRuleComponentCreate!]' to 'String'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'InventoryRuleComponent' was removed
- Type 'InventoryRuleComponentCreate' was removed
- Type 'InventoryRuleCondition' was removed
- Type 'InventoryRuleConditionCreate' was removed
- Type 'InventoryRuleConditionCustomerGroup' was removed
- Type 'InventoryRuleConditionCustomerGroupCreate' was removed
- Type 'InventoryRuleConditionKind' was removed
- Type 'InventoryRuleConditionSalesChannel' was removed
- Type 'InventoryRuleConditionSalesChannelCreate' was removed
- Type 'InventoryRuleSelection' was removed
- Type 'InventoryRuleSelectionCreate' was removed
- Type 'ShippingRuleCondition' was removed
- Type 'ShippingRuleConditionCreate' was removed
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'components' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'ShippingRuleCreate'
- Input field 'components' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'ShippingRuleModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'components' was added to object type 'ShippingRule'
17 January, 2024
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'conditions' was removed from object type 'InventoryRule'
- Field 'default' was removed from object type 'InventoryRuleCondition'
- Field 'inventory_location' was removed from object type 'InventoryRuleCondition'
Field type changed Breaking Changes
- Field 'InventoryRuleCondition.customer_group' changed type from 'CustomerGroup' to 'InventoryRuleConditionCustomerGroup'
Input field added Breaking Changes
- Input field 'kind' of type 'InventoryRuleConditionKind!' was added to input object type 'InventoryRuleConditionCreate'
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'customer_group_id' was removed from input object type 'InventoryRuleConditionCreate'
- Input field 'default' was removed from input object type 'InventoryRuleConditionCreate'
- Input field 'inventory_location_id' was removed from input object type 'InventoryRuleConditionCreate'
- Input field 'conditions' was removed from input object type 'InventoryRuleCreate'
- Input field 'conditions' was removed from input object type 'InventoryRuleModify'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'customer_group' of type 'InventoryRuleConditionCustomerGroupCreate' was added to input object type 'InventoryRuleConditionCreate'
- Input field 'sales_channel' of type 'InventoryRuleConditionSalesChannelCreate' was added to input object type 'InventoryRuleConditionCreate'
- Input field 'components' of type '[InventoryRuleComponentCreate!]' was added to input object type 'InventoryRuleCreate'
- Input field 'components' of type '[InventoryRuleComponentCreate!]' was added to input object type 'InventoryRuleModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'components' was added to object type 'InventoryRule'
- Field 'kind' was added to object type 'InventoryRuleCondition'
- Field 'sales_channel' was added to object type 'InventoryRuleCondition'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'InventoryRuleComponent' was added
- Type 'InventoryRuleComponentCreate' was added
- Type 'InventoryRuleConditionCustomerGroup' was added
- Type 'InventoryRuleConditionCustomerGroupCreate' was added
- Type 'InventoryRuleConditionKind' was added
- Type 'InventoryRuleConditionSalesChannel' was added
- Type 'InventoryRuleConditionSalesChannelCreate' was added
- Type 'InventoryRuleSelection' was added
- Type 'InventoryRuleSelectionCreate' was added
8 January, 2024
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'usersTwoFactorSendCode' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'two_factor_phone' was added to object type 'User'
4 December, 2023
Enum value removed Breaking Changes
- Enum value 'twitter' was removed from enum 'CustomerOAuthProviderKind'
28 November, 2023
Field argument added Breaking Changes
- Argument 'code: String!' added to field 'TopMutation.shopsDelete'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'shopsDeleteInit' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
16 November, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'filter_fields' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'GenericExport'
14 November, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'filter_fields' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'DataFeedCreate'
- Input field 'filter_fields' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'DataFeedModify'
- Input field 'filter_fields' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'DataFeedPreview'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'filter_fields' was added to object type 'DataFeed'
6 November, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'tips_enabled' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
- Input field 'tips_max' of type 'Int' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
- Input field 'tips_presets' of type '[Float!]' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
- Input field 'tips_variant_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'tips_preview' was added to object type 'Order'
- Field 'tips_enabled' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
- Field 'tips_max' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
- Field 'tips_presets' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
- Field 'tips_variant' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
18 October, 2023
Field argument added Dangerous Changes
- Argument 'country_code: String' added to field 'TopQuery.infoCountries'
- Argument 'province_code: String' added to field 'TopQuery.infoProvinces'
16 October, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'sender_email' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'sender_email' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
12 October, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'email_auth' was added to object type 'Domain'
- Field 'domainsEmailAuthInit' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'domainsEmailAuthValidate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'DomainEmailAuth' was added
- Type 'DomainEmailAuthDnsEntry' was added
28 September, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'custom_items' of type '[OrderCustomItemCreate!]' was added to input object type 'BuyLinkCreate'
- Input field 'custom_item_index' of type 'CustomItemIndex' was added to input object type 'BuyLinkLineItemCreate'
- Input field 'field_set_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'BuyLinkLineItemCreate'
- Input field 'fields' of type '[LineItemFieldCreate!]' was added to input object type 'BuyLinkLineItemCreate'
- Input field 'subscription_plan_index' of type 'SubscriptionPlanIndex' was added to input object type 'BuyLinkLineItemCreate'
- Input field 'custom_items' of type '[OrderCustomItemCreate!]' was added to input object type 'BuyLinkModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'custom_items' was added to object type 'BuyLink'
- Field 'custom_item_index' was added to object type 'BuyLinkLineItem'
- Field 'field_set' was added to object type 'BuyLinkLineItem'
- Field 'fields' was added to object type 'BuyLinkLineItem'
- Field 'subscription_plan_index' was added to object type 'BuyLinkLineItem'
11 September, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'custom_items' of type '[OICustomItem!]' was added to input object type 'OIOrder'
- Input field 'sales_channel_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'OIOrder'
- Input field 'custom_item_index' of type 'CustomItemIndex' was added to input object type 'OIOrderLineItem'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'infoCustomItemCreate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'OICustomItem' was added
8 September, 2023
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'exclude_from_sales_channels' was removed from object type 'Product'
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'exclude_from_sales_channel_ids' was removed from input object type 'ProductCreate'
- Input field 'exclude_from_sales_channel_ids' was removed from input object type 'ProductModify'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'sales_channel_ids' of type '[String!]' was added to input object type 'ProductCreate'
- Input field 'sales_channel_ids' of type '[String!]' was added to input object type 'ProductModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'sales_channels' was added to object type 'Product'
6 September, 2023
Field argument added Dangerous Changes
- Argument 'sales_channel_id: String' added to field 'TopQuery.ordersPage'
- Argument 'sales_channel_id: String' added to field 'TopQuery.productsPage'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'sales_channel_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'KeyCreate'
- Input field 'sales_channel_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'KeyModify'
- Input field 'sales_channel_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'OrderCreate'
- Input field 'sales_channel_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'OrderModify'
- Input field 'exclude_from_sales_channel_ids' of type '[String!]' was added to input object type 'ProductCreate'
- Input field 'exclude_from_sales_channel_ids' of type '[String!]' was added to input object type 'ProductModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'sales_channel' was added to object type 'Key'
- Field 'sales_channel' was added to object type 'Order'
- Field 'exclude_from_sales_channels' was added to object type 'Product'
4 September, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'salesChannelsCreate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'salesChannelsDelete' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'salesChannelsModify' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'salesChannels' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'SalesChannel' was added
- Type 'SalesChannelCreate' was added
- Type 'SalesChannelModify' was added
28 August, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'address_verify_fee' was added to object type 'Plan'
- Field 'custom' was added to object type 'Plan'
- Field 'data_feed_limit' was added to object type 'Plan'
- Field 'monthly_address_verifications' was added to object type 'Plan'
26 July, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'id' was added to object type 'OrderCustomItem'
24 July, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'custom_items' of type '[OrderCustomItemCreate!]' was added to input object type 'OrderCreate'
- Input field 'custom_item_index' of type 'CustomItemIndex' was added to input object type 'OrderLineItemCreate'
- Input field 'custom_items' of type '[OrderCustomItemCreate!]' was added to input object type 'OrderModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'custom_items' was added to object type 'Order'
- Field 'custom_item_index' was added to object type 'OrderLineItem'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'CustomItemIndex' was added
- Type 'OrderCustomItem' was added
- Type 'OrderCustomItemCreate' was added
5 July, 2023
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'enabled' was removed from input object type 'VariantInventoryCreate'
5 July, 2023
Enum value removed Breaking Changes
- Enum value 'migrate' was removed from enum 'InventoryLogType'
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'inventoryLocationsMigrate' was removed from object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'inventoryLocationsToggle' was removed from object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'variantInventoryDelete' was removed from object type 'TopMutation'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'InventoryLocationMigrate' was removed
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'relocate' was added to enum 'InventoryLogType'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'inventoryLocationsRelocate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'InventoryLocationRelocate' was added
28 June, 2023
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'discount_price' was removed from object type 'Order'
- Field 'sum_tax_after' was removed from object type 'Order'
- Field 'discount_price' was removed from object type 'ShopSettings'
- Field 'sum_tax_after' was removed from object type 'ShopSettings'
Input field added Breaking Changes
- Input field 'round_tax_at' of type 'RoundTaxAt!' was added to input object type 'OIOrder'
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'discount_price' was removed from input object type 'OIOrder'
- Input field 'sum_tax_after' was removed from input object type 'OIOrder'
- Input field 'discount_price' was removed from input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
- Input field 'sum_tax_after' was removed from input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'DiscountPrice' was removed
- Type 'SumTaxAfter' was removed
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'round_tax_at' of type 'RoundTaxAt' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'round_tax_at' was added to object type 'Order'
- Field 'round_tax_at' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'RoundTaxAt' was added
14 June, 2023
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'imported' was added to enum 'OrderState'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'ordersCreateImported' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'OIFulfillmentLineItem' was added
- Type 'OIFulfillmentTrackingEvent' was added
- Type 'OIIPAndUAInfo' was added
- Type 'OIOrder' was added
- Type 'OIOrderBundleLineItemDetail' was added
- Type 'OIOrderDetailsLineItemInventory' was added
- Type 'OIOrderFulfillment' was added
- Type 'OIOrderHistory' was added
- Type 'OIOrderHistoryAuthorizeTransaction' was added
- Type 'OIOrderHistoryCancel' was added
- Type 'OIOrderHistoryCaptureTransaction' was added
- Type 'OIOrderHistoryChange' was added
- Type 'OIOrderHistoryFulfillmentCanceled' was added
- Type 'OIOrderHistoryFulfillmentCompleted' was added
- Type 'OIOrderHistoryFulfillmentCreated' was added
- Type 'OIOrderHistoryFulfillmentModified' was added
- Type 'OIOrderHistoryManualPayment' was added
- Type 'OIOrderHistoryManualRefund' was added
- Type 'OIOrderHistoryRefundLineItem' was added
- Type 'OIOrderHistoryRefundTransaction' was added
- Type 'OIOrderHistoryRestock' was added
- Type 'OIOrderHistoryRestockLineItem' was added
- Type 'OIOrderLineItem' was added
- Type 'OIOrderLineItemDetail' was added
- Type 'OIPaymentDetail' was added
- Type 'OIPaymentDetailCard' was added
- Type 'OIPaymentDetailClient' was added
- Type 'OIShippingDetail' was added
- Type 'OITaxDetail' was added
12 June, 2023
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'use_bundle_inventory' was removed from object type 'OrderLineItemDetail'
5 June, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'filter_script' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'GenericExport'
30 May, 2023
Enum value removed Breaking Changes
- Enum value 'created' was removed from enum 'DataFeedStatus'
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'pending' was added to enum 'DataFeedStatus'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'align_day' of type 'Int' was added to input object type 'DataFeedCreate'
- Input field 'align_minute' of type 'Int' was added to input object type 'DataFeedCreate'
- Input field 'align_weekday' of type 'Int' was added to input object type 'DataFeedCreate'
- Input field 'filter_script' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'DataFeedCreate'
- Input field 'align_day' of type 'Int' was added to input object type 'DataFeedModify'
- Input field 'align_minute' of type 'Int' was added to input object type 'DataFeedModify'
- Input field 'align_weekday' of type 'Int' was added to input object type 'DataFeedModify'
- Input field 'filter_script' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'DataFeedModify'
- Input field 'filter_script' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'DataFeedPreview'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'align_day' was added to object type 'DataFeed'
- Field 'align_minute' was added to object type 'DataFeed'
- Field 'align_weekday' was added to object type 'DataFeed'
- Field 'filter_script' was added to object type 'DataFeed'
- Field 'generate_at' was added to object type 'DataFeed'
25 May, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'template_footer' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'DataFeedCreate'
- Input field 'template_header' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'DataFeedCreate'
- Input field 'template_item' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'DataFeedCreate'
- Input field 'template_footer' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'DataFeedModify'
- Input field 'template_header' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'DataFeedModify'
- Input field 'template_item' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'DataFeedModify'
- Input field 'template_footer' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'DataFeedPreview'
- Input field 'template_header' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'DataFeedPreview'
- Input field 'template_item' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'DataFeedPreview'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'template_footer' was added to object type 'DataFeed'
- Field 'template_header' was added to object type 'DataFeed'
- Field 'template_item' was added to object type 'DataFeed'
- Field 'options' was added to object type 'InfoDataFeedPreset'
- Field 'template_footer' was added to object type 'InfoDataFeedPreset'
- Field 'template_header' was added to object type 'InfoDataFeedPreset'
- Field 'template_item' was added to object type 'InfoDataFeedPreset'
24 May, 2023
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'generate_password' was removed from input object type 'DataFeedCreate'
- Input field 'generate_password' was removed from input object type 'DataFeedModify'
23 May, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'config_description' was added to object type 'InfoDataFeedField'
- Field 'uses_config' was added to object type 'InfoDataFeedField'
- Field 'consumer_fields' was added to object type 'InfoDataFeedPreset'
- Field 'id' was added to object type 'InfoDataFeedPreset'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'InfoDataFeedPresetField' was added
22 May, 2023
Input field added Breaking Changes
- Input field 'date_and_time_format' of type 'String!' was added to input object type 'ExportOptions'
- Input field 'date_format' of type 'String!' was added to input object type 'ExportOptions'
- Input field 'timezone' of type 'String!' was added to input object type 'ExportOptions'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'options' of type 'ImportOptions' was added to input object type 'GenericImport'
Input field type changed Non-Breaking Changes
- Input field 'ExportOptions.length_unit' changed type from 'LengthUnit!' to 'LengthUnit'
- Input field 'ExportOptions.weight_unit' changed type from 'WeightUnit!' to 'WeightUnit'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ImportOptions' was added
8 May, 2023
Input field added Breaking Changes
- Input field 'year_from' of type 'Int!' was added to input object type 'InventoryLocationDateRangeCreate'
- Input field 'year_to' of type 'Int!' was added to input object type 'InventoryLocationDateRangeCreate'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'google_product_category_code' of type 'Int' was added to input object type 'ProductCreate'
- Input field 'google_product_category_code' of type 'Int' was added to input object type 'ProductModify'
- Input field 'custom_fields' of type '[CustomFieldCreate!]' was added to input object type 'ProductVariantCreate'
- Input field 'custom_fields' of type '[CustomFieldCreate!]' was added to input object type 'ProductVariantModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'year_from' was added to object type 'InventoryLocationDateRange'
- Field 'year_to' was added to object type 'InventoryLocationDateRange'
- Field 'google_product_category_code' was added to object type 'Product'
- Field 'google_product_category_name' was added to object type 'Product'
- Field 'custom_fields' was added to object type 'ProductVariant'
- Field 'dataFeedsCreate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'dataFeedsDelete' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'dataFeedsModify' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'dataFeedsPreview' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'dataFeeds' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'infoDataFeeds' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'DataFeed' was added
- Type 'DataFeedCreate' was added
- Type 'DataFeedField' was added
- Type 'DataFeedFieldCreate' was added
- Type 'DataFeedModify' was added
- Type 'DataFeedPreview' was added
- Type 'DataFeedSchedule' was added
- Type 'DataFeedStatus' was added
- Type 'InfoDataFeedField' was added
- Type 'InfoDataFeedPreset' was added
- Type 'InfoDataFeeds' was added
2 May, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'relevant_hours' was added to object type 'InventoryLocation'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'InventoryLocationRelevantHours' was added
1 May, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'special_hours' of type '[InventoryLocationSpecialHoursCreate!]' was added to input object type 'InventoryLocationCreate'
- Input field 'special_hours' of type '[InventoryLocationSpecialHoursCreate!]' was added to input object type 'InventoryLocationModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'special_hours' was added to object type 'InventoryLocation'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'InventoryLocationDateRange' was added
- Type 'InventoryLocationDateRangeCreate' was added
- Type 'InventoryLocationDayHour' was added
- Type 'InventoryLocationDayHourCreate' was added
- Type 'InventoryLocationSpecialHours' was added
- Type 'InventoryLocationSpecialHoursCreate' was added
25 April, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'on_hold_order_window_minutes' of type 'Int' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'on_hold' was added to object type 'Order'
- Field 'on_hold_until' was added to object type 'Order'
- Field 'on_hold_order_window_minutes' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
24 April, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'is_id' was added to object type 'InfoCSVColumn'
18 April, 2023
Field argument added Dangerous Changes
- Argument 'loose: Boolean' added to field 'TopQuery.buyLinks'
- Argument 'loose: Boolean' added to field 'TopQuery.options'
- Argument 'loose: Boolean' added to field 'TopQuery.surveyQuestions'
17 April, 2023
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'input_file' was removed from object type 'ShardedTask'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'import_info' was added to object type 'ShardedTask'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ShardedTaskCSVImportInfo' was added
12 April, 2023
Enum value removed Breaking Changes
- Enum value 'blank' was removed from enum 'InventoryManagement'
- Enum value 'trunkery' was removed from enum 'InventoryManagement'
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'automatic' was added to enum 'InventoryManagement'
- Enum value 'manual' was added to enum 'InventoryManagement'
6 April, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'array' was added to object type 'InfoCSVColumn'
- Field 'used_in_export' was added to object type 'InfoCSVColumn'
- Field 'human_name' was added to object type 'InfoCSVFormat'
4 April, 2023
Field argument removed Breaking Changes
- Argument 'detailed: Boolean' was removed from field 'TopMutation.ordersExport'
Field argument type changed Breaking Changes
- Type for argument 'data' on field 'TopMutation.customerInventoryExport' changed from 'CustomerInventoryExport!' to 'GenericExport!'
- Type for argument 'data' on field 'TopMutation.ordersExport' changed from 'OrderExport!' to 'GenericExport!'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'CustomerInventoryExport' was removed
- Type 'OrderExport' was removed
1 March, 2023
Field argument added Breaking Changes
- Argument 'data: GenericExport!' added to field 'TopMutation.inventoryRulesExport'
- Argument 'data: GenericExport!' added to field 'TopMutation.shippingRulesExport'
- Argument 'data: GenericExport!' added to field 'TopMutation.suppliersExport'
- Argument 'data: GenericExport!' added to field 'TopMutation.taxRulesExport'
Field argument type changed Breaking Changes
- Type for argument 'data' on field 'TopMutation.brandsExport' changed from 'BrandExport!' to 'GenericExport!'
- Type for argument 'data' on field 'TopMutation.brandsImport' changed from 'BrandImport!' to 'GenericImport!'
- Type for argument 'data' on field 'TopMutation.categoriesExport' changed from 'CategoryExport!' to 'GenericExport!'
- Type for argument 'data' on field 'TopMutation.categoriesImport' changed from 'CategoryImport!' to 'GenericImport!'
- Type for argument 'data' on field 'TopMutation.customersExport' changed from 'CustomerExport!' to 'GenericExport!'
- Type for argument 'data' on field 'TopMutation.customersImport' changed from 'CustomerImport!' to 'GenericImport!'
- Type for argument 'data' on field 'TopMutation.inventoryRulesImport' changed from 'InventoryRuleImport!' to 'GenericImport!'
- Type for argument 'data' on field 'TopMutation.productsExport' changed from 'ProductExport!' to 'GenericExport!'
- Type for argument 'data' on field 'TopMutation.productsImport' changed from 'ProductImport!' to 'GenericImport!'
- Type for argument 'data' on field 'TopMutation.purchaseOrdersExport' changed from 'PurchaseOrderExport!' to 'GenericExport!'
- Type for argument 'data' on field 'TopMutation.purchaseOrdersImport' changed from 'PurchaseOrderImport!' to 'GenericImport!'
- Type for argument 'data' on field 'TopMutation.shippingRulesImport' changed from 'ShippingRuleImport!' to 'GenericImport!'
- Type for argument 'data' on field 'TopMutation.suppliersImport' changed from 'SupplierImport!' to 'GenericImport!'
- Type for argument 'data' on field 'TopMutation.taxRulesImport' changed from 'TaxRuleImport!' to 'GenericImport!'
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'enum' was removed from object type 'InfoCSVColumn'
- Field 'optional' was removed from object type 'InfoCSVColumn'
- Field 'validators' was removed from object type 'InfoCSVColumn'
- Field 'fields' was removed from object type 'InfoCSVFormat'
- Field 'productVariantsAndInventoryExport' was removed from object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'productVariantsAndInventoryImport' was removed from object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'brandsTemplate' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'categoriesTemplate' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'customersTemplate' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'inventoryRulesTemplate' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'ordersTemplate' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'productVariantsAndInventoryTemplate' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'productsTemplate' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'purchaseOrdersTemplate' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'shippingRulesTemplate' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'suppliersTemplate' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'taxRulesTemplate' was removed from object type 'TopQuery'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'BrandExport' was removed
- Type 'BrandImport' was removed
- Type 'CategoryExport' was removed
- Type 'CategoryImport' was removed
- Type 'CustomerExport' was removed
- Type 'CustomerImport' was removed
- Type 'InventoryRuleImport' was removed
- Type 'Mapping' was removed
- Type 'ProductExport' was removed
- Type 'ProductImport' was removed
- Type 'PurchaseOrderExport' was removed
- Type 'PurchaseOrderImport' was removed
- Type 'ShippingRuleImport' was removed
- Type 'SupplierImport' was removed
- Type 'TaxRuleImport' was removed
- Type 'VariantInventoryImport' was removed
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'accepts' was added to object type 'InfoCSVColumn'
- Field 'api' was added to object type 'InfoCSVColumn'
- Field 'default_value' was added to object type 'InfoCSVColumn'
- Field 'human_name' was added to object type 'InfoCSVColumn'
- Field 'main' was added to object type 'InfoCSVColumn'
- Field 'mandatory' was added to object type 'InfoCSVColumn'
- Field 'type_name' was added to object type 'InfoCSVColumn'
- Field 'used_in_import' was added to object type 'InfoCSVColumn'
- Field 'columns' was added to object type 'InfoCSVFormat'
- Field 'error_spans' was added to object type 'ShardedTask'
- Field 'error_token' was added to object type 'ShardedTask'
- Field 'input_file' was added to object type 'ShardedTask'
- Field 'buyLinksExport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'buyLinksImport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'contentBlocksExport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'contentBlocksImport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'customerGroupsExport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'customerGroupsImport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'inventoryLocationsExport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'inventoryLocationsImport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'menusExport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'menusImport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'optionSetsExport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'optionSetsImport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'optionsExport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'optionsImport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'packagingExport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'packagingImport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'productFieldSetsExport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'productFieldSetsImport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'promotionsExport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'promotionsImport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'surveyQuestionsExport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'surveyQuestionsImport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'transfersExport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'transfersImport' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
Field type changed Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'InfoCSVColumn.examples' changed type from '[String!]' to '[String!]!'
- Field 'InfoCSVColumn.synonyms' changed type from '[String!]' to '[String!]!'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ExportOptions' was added
- Type 'GenericExport' was added
- Type 'GenericImport' was added
- Type 'LengthUnit' was added
- Type 'ShardedTaskSpan' was added
- Type 'WeightUnit' was added
13 February, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'failed_attempts' was added to object type 'PaymentDetail'
10 February, 2023
Field type changed Breaking Changes
- Field 'File.size' changed type from 'Int!' to 'String!'
Input field type changed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'FileCreate.size' changed type from 'Int' to 'String'
8 February, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'country' was added to object type 'PaymentDetailCard'
- Field 'exp_month' was added to object type 'PaymentDetailCard'
- Field 'exp_year' was added to object type 'PaymentDetailCard'
1 February, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'billing_address' of type 'OrderRiskBillingAddressCreate' was added to input object type 'OrderRiskCreate'
- Input field 'shipping' of type 'OrderRiskShippingCreate' was added to input object type 'OrderRiskCreate'
- Input field 'shipping_address' of type 'OrderRiskShippingAddressCreate' was added to input object type 'OrderRiskCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'billing_address' was added to object type 'OrderRisk'
- Field 'shipping' was added to object type 'OrderRisk'
- Field 'shipping_address' was added to object type 'OrderRisk'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'OrderRiskBillingAddress' was added
- Type 'OrderRiskBillingAddressCreate' was added
- Type 'OrderRiskShipping' was added
- Type 'OrderRiskShippingAddress' was added
- Type 'OrderRiskShippingAddressCreate' was added
- Type 'OrderRiskShippingCreate' was added
31 January, 2023
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'ip_and_ua' was added to object type 'PaymentDetailClient'
30 January, 2023
Field argument removed Breaking Changes
- Argument 'extra: Boolean' was removed from field 'TopMutation.shopsSettingsCreate'
- Argument 'extra: Boolean' was removed from field 'TopQuery.shops'
- Argument 'extra: Boolean' was removed from field 'TopQuery.shopsSettings'
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'stripe_customer_id' was removed from object type 'ShopSettings'
- Field 'stripe_subscription_id' was removed from object type 'ShopSettings'
- Field 'stripe_usage_subscription_id' was removed from object type 'ShopSettings'
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'temp_path' was removed from input object type 'FileCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'email_confirmation_token' was added to object type 'Customer'
25 January, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'custom_billing_address' of type 'AddressCreate' was added to input object type 'SubscriptionEdit'
- Input field 'custom_shipping_address' of type 'AddressCreate' was added to input object type 'SubscriptionEdit'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'custom_billing_address' was added to object type 'Subscription'
- Field 'custom_shipping_address' was added to object type 'Subscription'
24 January, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'subscription_retries_schedule' of type '[Int!]' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
- Input field 'subscription_retries_schedule_daily' of type '[Int!]' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'subscription_retries_schedule' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
- Field 'subscription_retries_schedule_daily' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
20 January, 2023
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'pinned' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'FileCreate'
- Input field 'pinned' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'FileModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'md5' was added to object type 'File'
- Field 'pinned' was added to object type 'File'
- Field 'filesLookup' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'md5' was added to object type 'UserFile'
24 November, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'pending_payment' was added to enum 'SubscriptionState'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'pending_order' was added to object type 'Subscription'
18 November, 2022
Input field type changed Non-Breaking Changes
- Input field 'OrderOverride.shipping_address_latitude' changed type from 'Float!' to 'Float'
- Input field 'OrderOverride.shipping_address_longitude' changed type from 'Float!' to 'Float'
14 November, 2022
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'default_billing_address_idx' was removed from object type 'Customer'
- Field 'default_shipping_address_idx' was removed from object type 'Customer'
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'default_billing_address_idx' was removed from input object type 'CustomerCreate'
- Input field 'default_shipping_address_idx' was removed from input object type 'CustomerCreate'
- Input field 'default_billing_address_idx' was removed from input object type 'CustomerModify'
- Input field 'default_shipping_address_idx' was removed from input object type 'CustomerModify'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'AddressCreate'
- Input field 'default_billing_address_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'CustomerCreate'
- Input field 'default_shipping_address_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'CustomerCreate'
- Input field 'default_billing_address_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'CustomerModify'
- Input field 'default_shipping_address_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'CustomerModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'default_billing_address_id' was added to object type 'Customer'
- Field 'default_shipping_address_id' was added to object type 'Customer'
- Field 'payment_method_id' was added to object type 'PaymentDetail'
- Field 'billing_address' was added to object type 'Subscription'
- Field 'billing_address_id' was added to object type 'Subscription'
- Field 'payment_source' was added to object type 'Subscription'
- Field 'payment_source_id' was added to object type 'Subscription'
- Field 'shipping_address' was added to object type 'Subscription'
- Field 'shipping_address_id' was added to object type 'Subscription'
- Field 'subscriptionsEdit' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'SubscriptionEdit' was added
- Type 'SubscriptionParam' was added
10 November, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'gateway_not_supported' was added to enum 'SubscriptionError'
- Enum value 'saved_card_not_found' was added to enum 'SubscriptionError'
4 November, 2022
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'subscription_only' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'ProductCreate'
- Input field 'subscription_only' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'ProductModify'
- Input field 'discountable' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'SubscriptionPlanCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'subscription_only' was added to object type 'Product'
- Field 'discountable' was added to object type 'SubscriptionPlan'
1 November, 2022
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'customer_can_pause_subscription' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
- Input field 'customer_can_skip_subscription' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
- Input field 'align_day_of_month' of type 'OptionalIntCreate' was added to input object type 'SubscriptionPlanCreate'
- Input field 'align_day_of_week' of type 'OptionalIntCreate' was added to input object type 'SubscriptionPlanCreate'
- Input field 'align_hour' of type 'OptionalIntCreate' was added to input object type 'SubscriptionPlanCreate'
- Input field 'align_month' of type 'OptionalIntCreate' was added to input object type 'SubscriptionPlanCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'customer_can_pause_subscription' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
- Field 'customer_can_skip_subscription' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
- Field 'align_day_of_month' was added to object type 'SubscriptionPlan'
- Field 'align_day_of_week' was added to object type 'SubscriptionPlan'
- Field 'align_hour' was added to object type 'SubscriptionPlan'
- Field 'align_month' was added to object type 'SubscriptionPlan'
Input field type changed Non-Breaking Changes
- Input field 'SubscriptionPlanCreate.limit' changed type from 'Int!' to 'Int'
- Input field 'SubscriptionPlanCreate.price1' changed type from 'Int!' to 'Int'
- Input field 'SubscriptionPlanCreate.price1_percentage' changed type from 'Float!' to 'Float'
- Input field 'SubscriptionPlanCreate.price2' changed type from 'Int!' to 'Int'
- Input field 'SubscriptionPlanCreate.price2_percentage' changed type from 'Float!' to 'Float'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'OptionalInt' was added
- Type 'OptionalIntCreate' was added
27 October, 2022
Field argument added Breaking Changes
- Argument 'data: ScheduledFulfillmentReserve!' added to field 'TopMutation.scheduledFulfillmentsReserve'
Field argument removed Breaking Changes
- Argument 'inventory_location_id: String!' was removed from field 'TopMutation.scheduledFulfillmentsReserve'
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'dest_inventory_location_id' was removed from input object type 'OrderFulfillmentCreate'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'scheduled_fulfillment_line_items' of type '[ScheduledFulfillmentReserveLineItemCreate!]' was added to input object type 'OrderFulfillmentCreate'
- Input field 'subscription_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'OrderFulfillmentCreate'
- Input field 'auto_reserve_subscription' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'auto_reserve_subscription' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ScheduledFulfillmentReserve' was added
- Type 'ScheduledFulfillmentReserveLineItemCreate' was added
26 October, 2022
Enum value removed Breaking Changes
- Enum value 'internal_error' was removed from enum 'SubscriptionError'
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'currency_not_allowed' was added to enum 'SubscriptionError'
- Enum value 'invalid_product_quantity' was added to enum 'SubscriptionError'
- Enum value 'invalid_shop_destination' was added to enum 'SubscriptionError'
- Enum value 'no_inventory' was added to enum 'SubscriptionError'
- Enum value 'out_of_stock' was added to enum 'SubscriptionError'
- Enum value 'product_banned' was added to enum 'SubscriptionError'
- Enum value 'realtime_shipping_rates_failure' was added to enum 'SubscriptionError'
- Enum value 'shop_misconfigured' was added to enum 'SubscriptionError'
- Enum value 'transaction_error' was added to enum 'SubscriptionError'
- Enum value 'unrecognized_error' was added to enum 'SubscriptionError'
25 October, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'error' was added to object type 'Subscription'
- Field 'error_count' was added to object type 'Subscription'
- Field 'error_meta' was added to object type 'Subscription'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'SubscriptionError' was added
21 October, 2022
Enum value removed Breaking Changes
- Enum value 'error_done' was removed from enum 'SubscriptionState'
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'canceled' was added to enum 'SubscriptionState'
- Enum value 'failed' was added to enum 'SubscriptionState'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'subscriptionsCancel' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'subscriptionsPause' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'subscriptionsResume' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'subscriptionsSkipNext' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'searchSubscriptions' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'suggestSubscriptions' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'subscriptions' was added to object type 'UnifiedSearchResult'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'SearchSubscriptionsSortBy' was added
- Type 'SubscriptionExpandableItems' was added
- Type 'SubscriptionSearchResult' was added
18 October, 2022
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'retry_in' was removed from object type 'Subscription'
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'past_due' was added to enum 'SubscriptionState'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'subscription_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'ScheduledFulfillmentCreate'
- Input field 'subscription_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'ScheduledFulfillmentModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'subscription' was added to object type 'ScheduledFulfillment'
- Field 'last_order' was added to object type 'Subscription'
- Field 'next_offset' was added to object type 'Subscription'
17 October, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'done' was added to enum 'SubscriptionState'
- Enum value 'error' was added to enum 'SubscriptionState'
- Enum value 'error_done' was added to enum 'SubscriptionState'
- Enum value 'pending' was added to enum 'SubscriptionState'
Field argument added Dangerous Changes
- Argument 'subscription_id: String' added to field 'TopQuery.ordersPage'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'retry_in' was added to object type 'Subscription'
- Field 'tick_count' was added to object type 'Subscription'
14 October, 2022
Input field type changed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'OrderLineItemCreate.subscription_plan_index' changed type from 'Int!' to 'SubscriptionPlanIndex'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'SubscriptionPlanIndex' was added
13 October, 2022
Enum value removed Breaking Changes
- Enum value 'cancel_reservation' was removed from enum 'InventoryLogType'
Field argument added Breaking Changes
- Argument 'scheduled_fulfillment_id: String!' added to field 'TopMutation.scheduledFulfillmentsCancelReservation'
- Argument 'scheduled_fulfillment_id: String!' added to field 'TopMutation.scheduledFulfillmentsReserve'
Field argument removed Breaking Changes
- Argument 'fulfillment_id: String!' was removed from field 'TopMutation.scheduledFulfillmentsCancelReservation'
- Argument 'fulfillment_id: String!' was removed from field 'TopMutation.scheduledFulfillmentsReserve'
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'order_cancel_reservation' was added to enum 'InventoryLogType'
- Enum value 'scheduled_fulfillment_cancel_reservation' was added to enum 'InventoryLogType'
- Enum value 'scheduled_fulfillment_reserved' was added to enum 'InventoryLogType'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'dest_inventory_location_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'OrderFulfillmentCreate'
- Input field 'scheduled_fulfillment_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'OrderFulfillmentCreate'
12 October, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'scheduledFulfillmentsCancelReservation' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'scheduledFulfillmentsCreate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'scheduledFulfillmentsDelete' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'scheduledFulfillmentsModify' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'scheduledFulfillmentsReserve' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'scheduledFulfillments' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ScheduledFulfillment' was added
- Type 'ScheduledFulfillmentCreate' was added
- Type 'ScheduledFulfillmentLineItem' was added
- Type 'ScheduledFulfillmentLineItemCreate' was added
- Type 'ScheduledFulfillmentModify' was added
10 October, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'subscription' was added to enum 'OrderSourceName'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'subscription_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'OrderCreate'
- Input field 'subscription_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'OrderModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'subscription' was added to object type 'Order'
- Field 'next_at' was added to object type 'Subscription'
- Field 'state' was added to object type 'Subscription'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'SubscriptionState' was added
7 October, 2022
Input field added Breaking Changes
- Input field 'subscription_plan_index' of type 'Int!' was added to input object type 'OrderLineItemCreate'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'subscription_plans' of type '[SubscriptionPlanCreate!]' was added to input object type 'ProductCreate'
- Input field 'subscription_plans' of type '[SubscriptionPlanCreate!]' was added to input object type 'ProductModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'subscription' was added to object type 'OrderLineItem'
- Field 'subscription_plan_index' was added to object type 'OrderLineItem'
- Field 'subscription_plans' was added to object type 'Product'
- Field 'subscriptions' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'subscriptionsPage' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'Subscription' was added
- Type 'SubscriptionPage' was added
- Type 'SubscriptionPlan' was added
- Type 'SubscriptionPlanCreate' was added
- Type 'SubscriptionPlanInterval' was added
- Type 'SubscriptionPlanPriceType' was added
- Type 'SubscriptionsPageSortBy' was added
4 October, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'buyLinksCreate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'buyLinksDelete' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'buyLinksModify' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'buyLinks' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'BuyLink' was added
- Type 'BuyLinkCreate' was added
- Type 'BuyLinkLineItem' was added
- Type 'BuyLinkLineItemCreate' was added
- Type 'BuyLinkModify' was added
26 September, 2022
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'field_set_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'OrderLineItemCreate'
- Input field 'fields' of type '[LineItemFieldCreate!]' was added to input object type 'OrderLineItemCreate'
- Input field 'field_set_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'ProductCreate'
- Input field 'field_set_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'ProductModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'field_set' was added to object type 'OrderLineItem'
- Field 'fields' was added to object type 'OrderLineItem'
- Field 'field_set' was added to object type 'Product'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'LineItemField' was added
- Type 'LineItemFieldCreate' was added
22 September, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'productFieldSetsCreate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'productFieldSetsDelete' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'productFieldSetsModify' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'productFieldSets' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ProductField' was added
- Type 'ProductFieldCreate' was added
- Type 'ProductFieldSet' was added
- Type 'ProductFieldSetCreate' was added
- Type 'ProductFieldSetModify' was added
- Type 'ProductFieldType' was added
13 September, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'visits' was added to enum 'SearchProductsSortBy'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'visits' was added to object type 'ProductAnalytics'
12 September, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'rating' was added to enum 'SearchProductsSortBy'
Field argument added Dangerous Changes
- Argument 'last_key: String' added to field 'TopQuery.searchProducts'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'context' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'SearchOption'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'last_key' was added to object type 'ProductSearchResult'
- Field 'infoContentModels' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
2 September, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'sales' was added to enum 'SearchProductsSortBy'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'analytics' was added to object type 'Product'
- Field 'analytics_items_cache' was added to object type 'ShopSettingsFeatures'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ProductAnalytics' was added
1 September, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'builtin' was added to object type 'ContentModel'
26 August, 2022
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'auto_apply' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'PromotionCreate'
- Input field 'priority' of type 'Int' was added to input object type 'PromotionCreate'
- Input field 'auto_apply' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'PromotionModify'
- Input field 'priority' of type 'Int' was added to input object type 'PromotionModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'discount_preview' was added to object type 'OrderLineItem'
- Field 'auto_apply' was added to object type 'Promotion'
- Field 'priority' was added to object type 'Promotion'
8 August, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'survey_answers_summary' was added to object type 'Product'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ProductReviewAnswerSummary' was added
28 July, 2022
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'survey_answers' of type '[ProductReviewSurveyAnswerCreate!]' was added to input object type 'ProductReviewCreate'
- Input field 'survey_answers' of type '[ProductReviewSurveyAnswerCreate!]' was added to input object type 'ProductReviewModify'
- Input field 'meta' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'SurveyQuestionCreate'
- Input field 'meta' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'SurveyQuestionModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'survey_answers' was added to object type 'ProductReview'
- Field 'meta' was added to object type 'SurveyQuestion'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ProductReviewSurveyAnswer' was added
- Type 'ProductReviewSurveyAnswerCreate' was added
26 July, 2022
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'survey_question_ids' of type '[String!]' was added to input object type 'ReviewDimensionSetCreate'
- Input field 'survey_question_ids' of type '[String!]' was added to input object type 'ReviewDimensionSetModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'survey_questions' was added to object type 'ReviewDimensionSet'
- Field 'surveyQuestionsCreate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'surveyQuestionsDelete' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'surveyQuestionsModify' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'surveyQuestions' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'SurveyQuestion' was added
- Type 'SurveyQuestionCreate' was added
- Type 'SurveyQuestionKind' was added
- Type 'SurveyQuestionModify' was added
19 July, 2022
Enum value removed Breaking Changes
- Enum value 'disabled' was removed from enum 'ReturnPolicyReturnFee'
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'refund_type' was removed from object type 'Return'
- Field 'address' was removed from object type 'ReturnPolicy'
- Field 'address_type' was removed from object type 'ReturnPolicy'
- Field 'inventory_location' was removed from object type 'ReturnPolicy'
- Field 'return_fee_options' was removed from object type 'ReturnPolicy'
Input field added Breaking Changes
- Input field 'shipping_option_index' of type 'Int!' was added to input object type 'ReturnCreate'
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'refund_type' was removed from input object type 'ReturnCreate'
- Input field 'address' was removed from input object type 'ReturnPolicyCreate'
- Input field 'address_type' was removed from input object type 'ReturnPolicyCreate'
- Input field 'inventory_location_id' was removed from input object type 'ReturnPolicyCreate'
- Input field 'return_fee_options' was removed from input object type 'ReturnPolicyCreate'
- Input field 'address' was removed from input object type 'ReturnPolicyModify'
- Input field 'address_type' was removed from input object type 'ReturnPolicyModify'
- Input field 'inventory_location_id' was removed from input object type 'ReturnPolicyModify'
- Input field 'return_fee_options' was removed from input object type 'ReturnPolicyModify'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'ReturnFeeOption' was removed
- Type 'ReturnFeeOptionCreate' was removed
- Type 'ReturnPolicyRefundType' was removed
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'customer_balance' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'ReturnCreate'
- Input field 'refund_option' of type 'ReturnPolicyRefundOption' was added to input object type 'ReturnPolicyCreate'
- Input field 'shipping_options' of type '[ReturnPolicyShippingOptionCreate!]' was added to input object type 'ReturnPolicyCreate'
- Input field 'refund_option' of type 'ReturnPolicyRefundOption' was added to input object type 'ReturnPolicyModify'
- Input field 'shipping_options' of type '[ReturnPolicyShippingOptionCreate!]' was added to input object type 'ReturnPolicyModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'customer_balance' was added to object type 'Return'
- Field 'return_address' was added to object type 'Return'
- Field 'return_address_type' was added to object type 'Return'
- Field 'return_inventory_location' was added to object type 'Return'
- Field 'reverse_logistics' was added to object type 'Return'
- Field 'reverse_logistics_desc' was added to object type 'Return'
- Field 'reverse_logistics_name' was added to object type 'Return'
- Field 'refund_option' was added to object type 'ReturnPolicy'
- Field 'shipping_options' was added to object type 'ReturnPolicy'
- Field 'returnsFindPolicy' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ReturnPolicyRefundOption' was added
- Type 'ReturnPolicyShippingOption' was added
- Type 'ReturnPolicyShippingOptionCreate' was added
11 July, 2022
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'line_item_rules' was removed from object type 'ReturnPolicy'
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'line_item_rules' was removed from input object type 'ReturnPolicyCreate'
- Input field 'line_item_rules' was removed from input object type 'ReturnPolicyModify'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'ReturnPolicyLineItemCondition' was removed
- Type 'ReturnPolicyLineItemConditionCreate' was removed
- Type 'ReturnPolicyLineItemRule' was removed
- Type 'ReturnPolicyLineItemRuleCreate' was removed
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'return_mode' of type 'ProductReturnMode' was added to input object type 'ProductCreate'
- Input field 'return_mode' of type 'ProductReturnMode' was added to input object type 'ProductModify'
- Input field 'inspection_ids' of type '[String!]' was added to input object type 'ReturnPolicyCreate'
- Input field 'priority' of type 'Int' was added to input object type 'ReturnPolicyCreate'
- Input field 'inspection_ids' of type '[String!]' was added to input object type 'ReturnPolicyModify'
- Input field 'priority' of type 'Int' was added to input object type 'ReturnPolicyModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'return_mode' was added to object type 'Product'
- Field 'inspection_ids' was added to object type 'ReturnPolicy'
- Field 'priority' was added to object type 'ReturnPolicy'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ProductReturnMode' was added
5 July, 2022
Input field added Breaking Changes
- Input field 'moto' of type 'Boolean!' was added to input object type 'GatewayStripeCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'moto' was added to object type 'GatewayStripe'
4 July, 2022
Enum value removed Breaking Changes
- Enum value 'home' was removed from enum 'MenuItemType'
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'empty' was added to enum 'MenuItemType'
- Enum value 'meta' was added to enum 'MenuItemType'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'meta' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'MenuItemCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'meta' was added to object type 'MenuItem'
- Field 'transaction_fee' was added to object type 'Plan'
1 June, 2022
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'custom_fields' of type '[CustomFieldCreate!]' was added to input object type 'BrandCreate'
- Input field 'custom_fields' of type '[CustomFieldCreate!]' was added to input object type 'BrandModify'
- Input field 'custom_fields' of type '[CustomFieldCreate!]' was added to input object type 'CategoryCreate'
- Input field 'custom_fields' of type '[CustomFieldCreate!]' was added to input object type 'CategoryModify'
- Input field 'custom_fields' of type '[CustomFieldCreate!]' was added to input object type 'MenuCreate'
- Input field 'custom_fields' of type '[CustomFieldCreate!]' was added to input object type 'MenuModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'custom_field_objects' was added to object type 'Brand'
- Field 'custom_fields' was added to object type 'Brand'
- Field 'custom_field_objects' was added to object type 'Category'
- Field 'custom_fields' was added to object type 'Category'
- Field 'custom_field_objects' was added to object type 'Menu'
- Field 'custom_fields' was added to object type 'Menu'
7 April, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'status_codes' was added to object type 'AddressVerification'
- Field 'zip_type' was added to object type 'AddressVerification'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'ZipCodeType' was added
6 April, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'address1' was added to object type 'AddressVerification'
- Field 'address2' was added to object type 'AddressVerification'
- Field 'raw_response' was added to object type 'AddressVerification'
30 March, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'favoritesCreate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'favoritesDelete' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'favoritesModify' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'CustomerFavoriteCreate' was added
- Type 'CustomerFavoriteModify' was added
24 March, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'twitter' was added to enum 'CustomerOAuthProviderKind'
16 March, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'apple' was added to enum 'CustomerOAuthProviderKind'
7 March, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'payload' was added to object type 'AuditLog'
1 March, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'ordersDelete' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'purchaseOrdersDelete' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'transfersDelete' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
25 February, 2022
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'variant_id' was removed from object type 'ReturnLineItem'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'variant' was added to object type 'ReturnLineItem'
- Field 'productQuestionsAnswers' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'productReviewsAnswers' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
21 February, 2022
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'address_verification_auto' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'shipping_address_override' was added to object type 'Order'
- Field 'address_verification_auto' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
- Field 'ordersOverride' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'OrderOverride' was added
17 February, 2022
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'address_verification' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'shipping_address_verification' was added to object type 'Order'
- Field 'address_verification' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'AddressVerification' was added
- Type 'AddressVerificationStatus' was added
14 February, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'undrafted' was added to enum 'TransferLogType'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'reminder_messages' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'CustomerCreate'
- Input field 'reminder_messages' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'CustomerModify'
- Input field 'draft' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'TransferCreate'
- Input field 'draft' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'TransferModify'
- Input field 'from_inventory_location_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'TransferModify'
- Input field 'line_items' of type '[TransferLineItemCreate!]' was added to input object type 'TransferModify'
- Input field 'to_inventory_location_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'TransferModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'reminder_messages' was added to object type 'Customer'
- Field 'sub_access_token' was added to object type 'Customer'
- Field 'draft' was added to object type 'Transfer'
Input field type changed Non-Breaking Changes
- Input field 'TransferCreate.from_inventory_location_id' changed type from 'String!' to 'String'
- Input field 'TransferCreate.line_items' changed type from '[TransferLineItemCreate!]!' to '[TransferLineItemCreate!]'
- Input field 'TransferCreate.to_inventory_location_id' changed type from 'String!' to 'String'
31 January, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'email_message' was added to object type 'ProductQuestion'
- Field 'email_message' was added to object type 'ProductReview'
28 January, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'email_message' was added to object type 'ProductQuestionAnswer'
- Field 'email_message' was added to object type 'ProductReviewAnswer'
21 January, 2022
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'password_defined' was added to object type 'Customer'
20 January, 2022
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'gitlab' was added to enum 'CustomerOAuthProviderKind'
17 January, 2022
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'customer_oauth_providers' of type '[CustomerOAuthProviderCreate!]' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'oauth_provider' was added to object type 'Customer'
- Field 'customer_oauth_providers' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'CustomerOAuthProvider' was added
- Type 'CustomerOAuthProviderCreate' was added
- Type 'CustomerOAuthProviderKind' was added
14 December, 2021
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'shopsPreferencesCreate' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'shopsPreferences' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'UIPreference' was added
- Type 'UIPreferenceCreate' was added
15 October, 2021
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'flat_fee' was removed from object type 'TieredPricingTier'
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'flat_fee' was removed from input object type 'TieredPricingTierCreate'
14 October, 2021
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'tiered_pricing_mode' of type 'TieredPricingMode' was added to input object type 'ProductCreate'
- Input field 'tiered_pricing_mode' of type 'TieredPricingMode' was added to input object type 'ProductModify'
- Input field 'tiered_pricing' of type 'TieredPricingCreate' was added to input object type 'ProductVariantCreate'
- Input field 'tiered_pricing' of type 'TieredPricingCreate' was added to input object type 'ProductVariantModify'
- Input field 'tiered_pricing' of type 'TieredPricingCreate' was added to input object type 'VariantCurrencyPrice'
- Input field 'tiered_pricing' of type 'TieredPricingCreate' was added to input object type 'VariantCustomerGroupPrice'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'tiered_pricing' was added to object type 'CurrencyPrice'
- Field 'tiered_pricing' was added to object type 'CustomerGroupPrice'
- Field 'tiered_pricing_mode' was added to object type 'Product'
- Field 'tiered_pricing' was added to object type 'ProductVariant'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'TieredPricing' was added
- Type 'TieredPricingCreate' was added
- Type 'TieredPricingMode' was added
- Type 'TieredPricingModel' was added
- Type 'TieredPricingTier' was added
- Type 'TieredPricingTierCreate' was added
11 October, 2021
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'timezone_hint' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'UserLogin'
- Input field 'tos_agree' of type 'Boolean' was added to input object type 'UserLogin'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'usersOauth' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'usersOauthDelete' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
- Field 'password_defined' was added to object type 'User'
8 October, 2021
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'google' was added to enum 'OAuth2Provider'
6 October, 2021
Enum value added Dangerous Changes
- Enum value 'gitlab' was added to enum 'OAuth2Provider'
5 October, 2021
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'oauth_code' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'UserCreate'
- Input field 'oauth_provider' of type 'OAuth2Provider' was added to input object type 'UserCreate'
- Input field 'oauth_code' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'UserLogin'
- Input field 'oauth_provider' of type 'OAuth2Provider' was added to input object type 'UserLogin'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'oauth_provider' was added to object type 'User'
Input field type changed Non-Breaking Changes
- Input field '' changed type from 'String!' to 'String'
- Input field 'UserCreate.password' changed type from 'String!' to 'String'
- Input field '' changed type from 'String!' to 'String'
- Input field 'UserLogin.password' changed type from 'String!' to 'String'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'OAuth2Provider' was added
4 October, 2021
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'fingerprint' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'UserLogin'
30 September, 2021
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'favorites' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
- Field 'favoritesPage' was added to object type 'TopQuery'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'CustomerFavorite' was added
- Type 'CustomerFavoritePage' was added
- Type 'FavoriteSortBy' was added
- Type 'FavoriteType' was added
24 September, 2021
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'abandoned_email_sent' was removed from object type 'Order'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'abandoned_email_message' was added to object type 'Order'
- Field 'review_reminder_email_message' was added to object type 'Order'
- Field 'review_reminder_email_processed_at' was added to object type 'Order'
9 September, 2021
Field type changed Breaking Changes
- Field 'Order.promotion' changed type from 'PromotionFlat' to 'Promotion'
- Field 'TopMutation.promotionsCreate' changed type from '[PromotionFlat!]' to '[Promotion!]'
- Field 'TopMutation.promotionsModify' changed type from '[PromotionFlat!]' to '[Promotion!]'
- Field 'TopQuery.promotions' changed type from '[PromotionFlat!]' to '[Promotion!]'
- Field 'TopQuery.promotionsPage' changed type from 'PromotionFlatPage' to 'PromotionPage'
- Field 'TopQuery.searchPromotions' changed type from 'PromotionFlatSearchResult' to 'PromotionSearchResult'
- Field 'TopQuery.suggestPromotions' changed type from 'PromotionFlatExpandableItems' to 'PromotionExpandableItems'
- Field 'UnifiedSearchResult.promotions' changed type from '[PromotionFlat]' to '[Promotion]'
Type removed Breaking Changes
- Type 'PromotionConditionFlat' was removed
- Type 'PromotionFlat' was removed
- Type 'PromotionFlatExpandableItems' was removed
- Type 'PromotionFlatPage' was removed
- Type 'PromotionFlatSearchResult' was removed
- Type 'PromotionRuleFlat' was removed
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'Promotion' was added
- Type 'PromotionCondition' was added
- Type 'PromotionExpandableItems' was added
- Type 'PromotionPage' was added
- Type 'PromotionRule' was added
- Type 'PromotionSearchResult' was added
8 September, 2021
Field argument removed Breaking Changes
- Argument 'ancestors: Boolean' was removed from field 'TopMutation.categoriesCreate'
- Argument 'children: Boolean' was removed from field 'TopMutation.categoriesCreate'
- Argument 'ancestors: Boolean' was removed from field 'TopMutation.categoriesModify'
- Argument 'children: Boolean' was removed from field 'TopMutation.categoriesModify'
- Argument 'ancestors: Boolean' was removed from field 'TopQuery.categories'
- Argument 'children: Boolean' was removed from field 'TopQuery.categories'
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'children' was removed from object type 'Category'
- Field 'parent' was removed from object type 'Category'
Field argument added Dangerous Changes
- Argument 'children_of: String' added to field 'TopQuery.categories'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'ancestors' was added to object type 'Category'
Type added Non-Breaking Changes
- Type 'CategoryAncestor' was added
7 September, 2021
Field argument removed Breaking Changes
- Argument 'expires_at: String' was removed from field 'TopMutation.ordersSendInvoice'
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'invoice_expires_at' was removed from object type 'Order'
Field argument added Dangerous Changes
- Argument 'due_date: String' added to field 'TopMutation.ordersSendInvoice'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'invoice_due_date_days' of type 'Int' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'invoice_due_date' was added to object type 'Order'
- Field 'invoice_due_date_days' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
- Field 'ordersSendReminder' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
3 September, 2021
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'timezone_hint' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'CustomerCreate'
- Input field 'timezone_hint' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'ShopSettingsCreate'
- Input field 'timezone_hint' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'UserCreate'
27 August, 2021
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'draft_number' was added to object type 'Order'
- Field 'invoice_email_message' was added to object type 'Order'
- Field 'invoice_expires_at' was added to object type 'Order'
- Field 'ordersSendInvoice' was added to object type 'TopMutation'
25 August, 2021
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'implicit_languages' was added to object type 'ShopSettings'
23 August, 2021
Field removed Breaking Changes
- Field 'preferred_locale' was removed from object type 'Customer'
Input field removed Breaking Changes
- Input field 'preferred_locale' was removed from input object type 'CustomerCreate'
- Input field 'preferred_locale' was removed from input object type 'CustomerModify'
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'language' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'CustomerCreate'
- Input field 'timezone' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'CustomerCreate'
- Input field 'language' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'CustomerModify'
- Input field 'timezone' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'CustomerModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'inferred_locale' was added to object type 'Customer'
- Field 'language' was added to object type 'Customer'
- Field 'timezone' was added to object type 'Customer'
- Field 'inferred_locale' was added to object type 'User'
9 August, 2021
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'authorization_expires_at' was added to object type 'Order'
30 July, 2021
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'product_id' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'ProductVariantCreate'
Field argument type changed Non-Breaking Changes
- Type for argument 'product_id' on field 'TopMutation.productVariantsCreate' changed from 'String!' to 'String'
- Type for argument 'product_id' on field 'TopMutation.productVariantsModify' changed from 'String!' to 'String'
6 July, 2021
Input field added Dangerous Changes
- Input field 'meta' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'OptionCreate'
- Input field 'meta' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'OptionModify'
- Input field 'meta' of type 'String' was added to input object type 'OptionValueCreate'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'meta' was added to object type 'Option'
- Field 'meta' was added to object type 'OptionValue'
- Field 'linked_media_files' was added to object type 'ProductVariant'
6 April, 2021
Field argument added Dangerous Changes
- Argument 'updated_at: String' added to field 'TopMutation.ordersCreate'
- Argument 'updated_at: String' added to field 'TopMutation.ordersModify'
Field added Non-Breaking Changes
- Field 'variant_id' was added to object type 'OrderLineItem'