Mega Menu
Customizing the Mega Menu
The Mega Menu is customizable using custom fields within the menu itself. Once you've created it, specify them in the config file using the megaMenuHandle
Supported Content Models
The following content model is supported:
Featured Category
Any top-level menu can display a group of featured categories. To configure which featured categories to display and where to place them, add custom fields with the "Featured Category" content model to the mega menu.
The fields are as follows:
- Location - This is the category where the featured category will be displayed. The corresponding menu item needs to link to this category, even though it's not clickable.
- Category - This is the featured category itself.
- Image - This is the image to display.
- Title - This is the title text to display (in a larger font).
- Subtitle - This is the subtitle text to display (in a smaller font).