Types > __DirectiveLocation
Storefront APITypes__DirectiveLocation


ARGUMENT_DEFINITIONLocation adjacent to an argument definition.
ENUMLocation adjacent to an enum definition.
ENUM_VALUELocation adjacent to an enum value definition.
FIELDLocation adjacent to a field.
FIELD_DEFINITIONLocation adjacent to a field definition.
FRAGMENT_DEFINITIONLocation adjacent to a fragment definition.
FRAGMENT_SPREADLocation adjacent to a fragment spread.
INLINE_FRAGMENTLocation adjacent to an inline fragment.
INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITIONLocation adjacent to an input object field definition.
INPUT_OBJECTLocation adjacent to an input object type definition.
INTERFACELocation adjacent to an interface definition.
MUTATIONLocation adjacent to a mutation operation.
OBJECTLocation adjacent to an object type definition.
QUERYLocation adjacent to a query operation.
SCALARLocation adjacent to a scalar definition.
SCHEMALocation adjacent to a schema definition.
SUBSCRIPTIONLocation adjacent to a subscription operation.
UNIONLocation adjacent to a union definition.
VARIABLE_DEFINITIONLocation adjacent to a variable definition.

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