Types > StorefrontReturn
Storefront APITypesStorefrontReturn


Topic: Returns


approved_at: String

The date and time when the return was approved

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

closed_at: String

The date and time when the return was closed

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

created_at: String!

The date and time when the return was created

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

customer_balance: Boolean!

Whether to refund to customer balance

Example: false

expected_at_max: String

The date and time when the inbound shipment is expected to be delivered (upper boundary)

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

expected_at_min: String

The date and time when the inbound shipment is expected to be delivered (lower boundary)

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

history: [StorefrontReturnHistory!]!

id: String!

A unique return identifier

Example: "rt_EQzGqWoY"

inbound_tracking: TrackingEventStatus!

Event status

inspected_at: String

The date and time when the return was inspected

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

label_file: StorefrontFile

line_items: [StorefrontReturnLineItem!]!

number: Int!

A unique return number

Example: 1002

order: StorefrontOrder

received_at: String

The date and time when the return was received

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

refund_shipping_charge: Boolean!

Whether to refund shipping charge or not

Example: true

refunded_at: String

The date and time when the return was refunded

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

reject_reason: String!

Reason why a return was rejected

Example: "TODO"

rejected_at: String

The date and time when the return was rejected

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

return_address: Address

return_address_type: ReturnPolicyAddressType!

What address customers will use for returns

return_fee: ReturnPolicyReturnFee

return_fee_value: Float!

return_inventory_location: InventoryLocation

return_policy: StorefrontReturnPolicy

reverse_logistics: ReverseLogistics!

Whether to generate label or not

reverse_logistics_desc: String!

Description for a custom reverse logistics option

Example: "TODO"

reverse_logistics_name: String!

Name for a custom reverse logistics option

Example: "TODO"

shipping_provider_type: ShippingProviderType

Type of the shipping provider (use "fixed" as "other")

state: ReturnState!

State of a return

tracking_company: String!

The name of the shipping company

Example: "Ship & Co"

tracking_events: [ReturnTrackingEvent!]!

tracking_number: String!

Shipping number, provided by the shipping company

Example: "1Z2345"

tracking_url: String!

The URLs to track the fulfillment

Example: "http://www.google.com/search?q=1Z2345"

updated_at: String!

The date and time when the return was last modified

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

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