Topic: Orders
billing_address: Address
billing_address_short: AddressShort
Whether order was successfully "calculated" or not
Example: false
cancel_reason: OrderCancelReason
The reason why the order was canceled
The date and time when the order was canceled or null
Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"
Timestamp (RFC 3339)
Pending payment intent secret when gateway is "stripe"
Example: "pi_1EaAoC2eZvKYlo2C6OmgnpXw_secret_tYSeiTjxphYCjZNjrcaCFRa5v"
The date and time when the order was closed or null
Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"
Timestamp (RFC 3339)
The date and time when the order was created
Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"
Timestamp (RFC 3339)
Currency code
Example: "USD"
custom_items: [OrderCustomItem!]
customer: StorefrontCustomer
Amount of money spent on the customer balance
Example: 0
Customer email, used in no auth order flows
Example: ""
Coupon code if set
display: OrderDisplay
financial_status: OrderFinancialStatus!
Financial status of the order
The date and time when the order was completely fulfilled
Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"
Timestamp (RFC 3339)
fulfillment_status: OrderFulfillmentStatus!
Fulfillment status of the order
gateway: Gateway
gateway_type: GatewayType
Gateway type
A unique order identifier
Example: "or_EQzGqWoY"
line_items: [StorefrontOrderLineItem!]!
Order line items
The mobile phone number of the customer (used for notifications)
Example: "45634634562"
mobile_notifications: Boolean!
Whether to notify customer via mobile phone or not
Example: false
Numerical order identifier unique to the shop
Example: 1001
Whether server thinks order is on hold or not (depends on server time)
Example: false
The date and time when order is no longer considered on hold
Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"
Timestamp (RFC 3339)
The date and time when the order was transitioned to one of the payment states
Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"
Timestamp (RFC 3339)
payment_detail: PaymentDetail
Conversion rate from order's currency to shop's primary currency
Example: 1.2525236
promotion: StorefrontPromotion
The date and time when the order resources were reserved
Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"
Timestamp (RFC 3339)
round_tax_at: RoundTaxAt!
At what level the tax should be rounded
selected_shipping_rates: [StorefrontShippingRate!]!
send_fulfillment_notifications: Boolean!
Should customer receive fulfillment-related notifications or not
Example: true
send_order_notifications: Boolean!
Should customer receive order-related notifications or not
Example: true
shipping_address: Address
shipping_address_short: AddressShort
shipping_detail: ShippingDetail
Shipping price
Example: 0
shipping_rate_groups: [StorefrontShippingRateGroup!]
A list of available shipping rates and shipping providers (only after they were calculated)
source_name: OrderSourceName!
Where the order originated from
state: OrderState!
State of an order
Price of the order before shipping and taxes
Example: 0
tax_inclusive_prices: Boolean!
Whether prices include the tax or not
Example: false
Difference between sum of rounded values and rounded sum for taxes
Example: 1
Pre-calculated tips preview
Example: 100
The total amount of the discounts to be applied to the price of the order
Example: 0
The sum of all the prices of all the items in the order (before any discounts, taxes and shipping)
Example: 0
The sum of all the prices of all the items in the order, taxes and discounts included
Example: 0
The sum of all the taxes applied to the order
Example: 0
The sum of all the weights of the line items in the order, in grams
Example: 0
The date and time when the order was last modified
Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"
Timestamp (RFC 3339)
Conversion rate from order's currency to USD
Example: 1.2525236
UUID for this order, used for anonymous users authorization
Example: "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"
Used By
storefrontOrdersAllocateNumber, storefrontOrdersCalculate, storefrontOrdersCancel, storefrontOrdersCancelReservation, storefrontOrdersCreate, storefrontOrdersMobile, storefrontOrdersModify, storefrontOrdersPay, storefrontOrdersReserve
storefrontOrders, storefrontOrdersLastCart
StorefrontCustomerInventory, StorefrontOrderPage, StorefrontReturn, StorefrontSubscription
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