Types > StorefrontProductReview
Storefront APITypesStorefrontProductReview


Topic: Product Reviews


answers: [StorefrontProductReviewAnswer]

average_score: Float!

Average review score, from 0 to 9 (inclusive, both ends)

Example: 7.09

created_at: String!

The date and time when the review was created, RFC 3339 format

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

customer: StorefrontCustomer

detected_language: InfoLanguage

flagged: Boolean!

Whether you flagged for this question

Example: false

id: String!

Unique review identifier. See also: Unique Identifiers

Example: "re_EQzGqWoY"

image_files: [StorefrontFile]

no_count: Int!

Number of times this question was voted no

Example: 5

product: StorefrontProduct

rating: Int!

Rating based on yes/no votes (yes_count minus no_count)

Example: -6

recommended: StorefrontCustomerVote!

Whether customer voted or not and how

scores: [ProductReviewScore!]!

status: ApprovalStatus!

Publishing approval status

survey_answers: [ProductReviewSurveyAnswer!]!

text: String!

Text of the review

Example: "Great product!"

title: String!

Title of the review

Example: "Amazing!"

updated_at: String!

The date and time when the review was last updated, RFC 3339 format

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

verified_purchase: Boolean!

Whether customer has completed orders with given product or not

Example: false

voted: StorefrontCustomerVote!

Whether customer voted or not and how

yes_count: Int!

Number of times this question was voted yes

Example: 5

Used By


storefrontProductReviewsCreate, storefrontProductReviewsModify




StorefrontProductReviewAnswer, StorefrontProductReviewPage, StorefrontReviewSearchResult

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