Topic: Customers
Indicates whether the customer has consented to be sent marketing material via email
Example: false
addresses: [Address!]!
The date and time when the customer information was created
Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"
Timestamp (RFC 3339)
default_billing_address_id: String!
Default billing address identifier
Example: "ad_EQzGqWoY"
default_payment_source_id: String
Default stripe payment source id
Example: "card_1Ak9dNDVveQRXOWz2ZFPd73P"
default_shipping_address_id: String!
Default shipping address identifier
Example: "ad_EQzGqWoY"
The date and time when the customer was deleted
Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"
Timestamp (RFC 3339)
The name to display for other customers (under product reviews and such)
Example: "John S."
The email address of the customer
Example: ""
Whether customer's email address was confirmed or not
Example: false
Unique customer identifier. See also: Unique Identifiers
Example: "cu_EQzGqWoY"
Inferred locale of the customer, free-form string in Accept-Language HTTP header format
Example: "fr-CH, fr;q=0.9, en;q=0.8, de;q=0.7, *;q=0.5"
Whether or not customer is a guest or not (has password)
Example: false
language: InfoLanguage
Preferred language of the customer
The mobile phone number of the customer (used for notifications)
Example: "45634634562"
mobile_notifications: Boolean!
Whether to notify customer via mobile phone or not
Example: false
Name of the customer
Example: "John Smith"
oauth_provider: CustomerOAuthProviderKind
OAuth2 provider used for registering this account
The number of orders associated with this customer
Example: 0
Whether customer has password defined
Example: true
Currency customer prefers
Example: "USD"
Indicates whether the customer desires to get reminder emails
Example: false
Stripe customer id, if customer is registered with stripe gateway
Example: "cus_DiAslTjCjpW8JW"
Name of the time zone the customer is in
Example: "(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time"
Valid auth token (available only after initial POST request)
The total amount of money that the customer has spent at the shop
Example: 0.0
The date and time when the customer information was updated
Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"
Timestamp (RFC 3339)
Used By
storefrontCustomersCreate, storefrontCustomersModify
StorefrontCustomerInventory, StorefrontOrder, StorefrontProductQuestion, StorefrontProductQuestionAnswer, StorefrontProductReview, StorefrontReturnHistory, StorefrontSubscription
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