Reviews > Product Reviews > storefrontProductReviewsCreate
Storefront APIReviewsProduct ReviewsstorefrontProductReviewsCreate


Create one or multiple product reviews.

Topic: Product Reviews


data: [StorefrontProductReviewCreate!]!

Main argument for mutations.

shop_id: String!

Unique shop identifier. See also: Unique Identifiers

Example: "sh_EQzGqWoY"

Data Argument Fields

image_file_ids: [String!]

product_id: String!

A unique product identifier

Example: "pd_EQzGqWoY"

Valid when: product_id is not empty

Valid when: product_id matches regexp pattern: ^pd_

recommended: StorefrontCustomerVote

Whether customer voted or not and how

scores: [ProductReviewScoreCreate!]

survey_answers: [ProductReviewSurveyAnswerCreate!]

text: String!

Text of the review

Example: "Great product!"

Valid when: text is not empty

Valid when: text's length doesn't exceed 100000 characters

title: String!

Title of the review

Example: "Amazing!"

Valid when: title is not empty

Valid when: title's length doesn't exceed 250 characters



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