Types > GatewayStripe
Storefront APITypesGatewayStripe



account_id: String!

Account id of the connected stripe account

Example: "acct_24BFMpJ1svR5A89k"

amex_express_checkout: GatewayStripeAmexExpressCheckout!

Enable/disable Amex Express Checkout

auto_capture: Boolean!

Automatically capture authorized orders

Example: false

card_tokenization: Boolean!

Whether it's allowed to tokenize (save) cards for future use or not

Example: false

cards: GatewayStripeCards!

Enable/disable credit cards per-type

masterpass: GatewayStripeMasterpass!

Enable/disable Masterpass

moto: Boolean!

Use stripe's MOTO options on payment intent transaction

Example: false

payment_methods: GatewayStripePaymentMethods!

Enable/disable additional payment methods

publishable_key: String!

Lana publishable stripe api key (use it together with account_id)

Example: "pk_test_5DvxzF1g0XP9NrTv2uqtlks8"

send_authorized_order_notifications: Boolean!

Send about to expire authorized orders notification (when auto_capture is false)

Example: false

visa_checkout: GatewayStripeVisaCheckout!

Enable/disable Visa Checkout

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