Types > AddressCreate
Storefront APITypesAddressCreate



address1: String!

Mailing address

Example: "Chestnut Street 92"

Valid when: address1 is not empty

Valid when: address1's length doesn't exceed 190 characters

address2: String

Additional line for mailing address

Example: "Apartment 2"

Valid when: address2's length doesn't exceed 190 characters

city: String!

The city

Example: "Louisville"

Valid when: city is not empty

Valid when: city's length doesn't exceed 80 characters

company: String

The company

Example: "Google inc."

Valid when: company's length doesn't exceed 80 characters

country: String!

The two-letter code for the country

Example: "US"

Valid when: country is not empty

id: String

Unique address identifier. See also: Unique Identifiers

Example: "ad_EQzGqWoY"

name: String!

The name

Example: "John Smith"

Valid when: name is not empty

Valid when: name's length doesn't exceed 160 characters

phone: String

The phone number

Example: "5556251199"

plus_code: String

The plus code

Example: "PQ7W+WM"

Valid when: plus_code's length doesn't exceed 32 characters

province: String!

The two-letter code for the province or state

Example: "KY"

Valid when: province is not empty

zip: String!

The zip or postal code

Example: "40202"

Valid when: zip's length doesn't exceed 32 characters

Used By


StorefrontCustomerCreate, StorefrontCustomerModify, StorefrontOrderCreate, StorefrontOrderModify, SubscriptionEdit

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