Types > StorefrontOrderLineItem
Storefront APITypesStorefrontOrderLineItem



custom_item_index: Int!

Custom item index (makes variant optional when specified)

Example: -1

detail: OrderLineItemDetail

discount_preview: Int!

Discount preview for automatically applied promotions

Example: 100

field_set: ProductFieldSet

fields: [LineItemField!]!

fulfillable_quantity: Int!

The amount available for fulfillment

Example: 0

fulfillment_status: OrderLineItemFulfillmentStatus!

How far along an order is in terms line items fulfilled

id: String!

Unique line item identifier. See also: Unique Identifiers

Example: "li_EQzGqWoY"

quantity: Int!

The number of products that were purchased

Example: 0

subscription: StorefrontSubscription

If subscription was initiated by this line item, this is the one


Permission bit: "subscriptions.read"

subscription_plan_index: Int!

Product subscription plan index if subscription needs to be initiated, -1 for no subscription

Example: -1

variant: StorefrontProductVariant

variant_id: String

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