Types > CustomerLogin
Storefront APITypesCustomerLogin


Topic: Auth


email: String

The email address of the customer

Example: "bob.norman@hostmail.com"

Valid when: email is not empty

language: String

Preferred language of the customer

oauth_code: String

OAuth2 authorization code provided by the provider

oauth_provider: CustomerOAuthProviderKind

OAuth provider kind for customer login

oauth_token: String

OAuth1 token provided by the provider

oauth_verifier: String

OAuth1 verifier provided by the provider

password: String

The customer's password

Example: "34hb5kj3h45k3"

preferred_currency: String

Currency customer prefers

Example: "USD"

timezone: String

Name of the time zone the customer is in

Example: "(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time"

Valid when: timezone's length doesn't exceed 50 characters

timezone_hint: String

Timezone hint. When provided it overrides timezone field, but only if it's correct. If it's incorrect, the value is ignored.

Example: "(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time"

Valid when: timezone_hint's length doesn't exceed 50 characters

Used By


storefrontAuthEmailLoginInit, storefrontAuthLogin

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