Topic: Product Questions
The date and time when the answer was created, RFC 3339 format
Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"
Timestamp (RFC 3339)
customer: StorefrontCustomer
detected_language: InfoLanguage
Whether you flagged for this answer
Example: false
Unique answer identifier. See also: Unique Identifiers
Example: "aq_EQzGqWoY"
Number of times this answer was voted no
Example: 5
product: StorefrontProduct
question: StorefrontProductQuestion
status: ApprovalStatus!
Publishing approval status
Text of the answer
Example: "Great product!"
The date and time when the answer was last updated, RFC 3339 format
Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"
Timestamp (RFC 3339)
user: StorefrontUser
voted: StorefrontCustomerVote!
Whether customer voted or not and how
Number of times this answer was voted yes
Example: 5
Used By
storefrontProductQuestionsAnswersCreate, storefrontProductQuestionsAnswersModify
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